For the last 4 years, Mr. Diabolina and I have kept things pretty low key on New Year's Eve. We typically have the Rose Bowl bright and early the next day. You know how it is when you went to the best the Universe ;)
Tonight was probably the most low key New Year's of the last 10 we've spent together. Mr. D was still feeling under the weather so he curled up with my Obama book most of the night.
Nothing like stripper nails to ring in the new year ;)
Tonight ended up being the perfect night to quietly reflect on the rollercoaster of a year it's been. To remember the beautiful moments and the heartbreaking ones. How much has changed and how much has stayed the same. How much I've grown and how far I still have left to go.
This year, I quit one job and started another. I traveled to Portland and Puerto Vallarta for the first time. I played with my closest friends all over the country: Jean Bean in Austin, Peaches in San Francisco, Jean Bean AND Peaches in New York, Flower in Boston and Mr. NBC back in New York.
I randomly ran into both my childhood best friend and Dylan McKay. I partied at Saks and at Chanel and at Armani and at Tarina Tarantino - and ended up buying something from each of those stores this year too.
I celebrated with Mr. D as he turned 31 and we marked our 10 year anniversary of being happily unmarried. I beamed with pride as he chaired his third successful fundraiser and won his first trial. I even cajoled him into writing a little funny fashion something for the blog.
I survived grueling bootcamp classes and my first 5K mud race. I dared to wear leather leggings to a Hollywood hot spot, shorts on the verge of my 31st birthday and a Betsey Johnson dress I bought when I was 16.
I watched one friend become engaged and another turn a year older and wiser. I saw one friend lose the ability to walk while other friends lost the right to marry. I bonded with strangers on the internets and revisited a shared history with one of my oldest friends.
I dressed up as Madonna on my birthday and Karl Lagerfeld for Halloween. I was bolstered by love on one day and horrified by hate on another. I pegged my jeans and wore - yikes - PINK by Victoria Secret.
I was equally enthralled by Julio Iglesias and NKOTB in concert. I bought YSL shoes on layaway and was given a free pair with red soles from the kind peeps at Solestruck.
I supported Sable Crow at two Trevor Project fundraisers - one where we rocked a Miss Universe crown, the other where we met Rachel Zoe and Michael Patrick King. Oh and I also encouraged him to start a blog, reacquaint himself with his writing, with his own voice. Kinda a big deal.
I spent 67 days out of the last 365 with my mom - laughing and eating and watching movies and duh, shopping. We celebrated Mother's Day and her birthday. She held my hand as I pondered motherhood and I held hers as she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I watched her become a citizen and then proudly vote to elect the first black man President of the United States.
And this year, one year to the day, I started a blog. On a lark. I figured it would be a great way to keep in touch with Jean Bean. To stay motivated to work out and get my fashion mojo back.
Figured it might also create some structure for my writing, give me some discipline. I 'd write every day - not because I had to but because I wanted to. Because I wanted to chronicle my life.
Never thought I'd be able to accomplish what I've accomplished: documenting every single day of my life for an entire year. Every outfit. Every event. Every major emotion.

Never ever imagined anyone would read it. Not really. Not regularly. Never dreamed of 64,321 visits, 214,592 page views.
Never dreamed it would change not only how I see myself but how others see me. Old friends now glimpse different sides of me, layers of my personality. There's a window into my life and my SELF that never existed before.
And I think these friends may even see themselves a little differently because of that. Now that they see themselves through my eyes, through my writing, through my prism.
Never imagined dozens of women - strangers from all over the world - would write me. With questions and compliments. That they would take the time to tell me how much they love my writing, or my relationship with my mom, or the way I dress. That they find me - GULP - inspiring.
Never thought I would create a place for women and a couple of men ;) to come together and laugh and forget and share and cry and BE. Never imagined I would find such joy in reading their comments, never thought their support would see me through some of the darkest days of my life.
Never imagined I would be so accepted. For loving clothes and shoes and bags more than I should. For being silly sometimes, deep other times. For being a storyteller. For being open. For being me. The real me.
So I made this little video. And - UGH!- being the total vag I am I got choked up within seconds. And F! the orientation's all wrong and the angle not flattering on chubby cheeks. But it's the thought that counts, right ;)
Kiss you and happy new year -make it one that counts!
Fashion District cape
Gap long sleeve tee
Old Navy jeans
The Accessories
Tory Burch shoes
Chanel purse and earrings
Ray Bans
The Grade
D is for Diabolina Didn't Care Today
The Commentary
Yes this cozy turtleneck/Slanket AH-gain. Chic Intution is featuring an expensive and cheap chic version here - can you guess which is which?
Just wanted to be comfortable and get out of work as fast as possible today. Hence the flats - my new Tory's. I heart.