Friday, October 31, 2008

Karl Lagerfeld Halloween Costume

The Scene
Tonight, I hung out with one Officer Poncherello,

Two Mavericks,

A Fallen Angel and that Howard Stern.

Also mingled with a gaggle of Mormon wives,

Some tasty tight ends,

Obama as Captain America,

Another real American,

A centaur

A peacock

A nightmare (click to enlarge if you dare)

And a dream

Just another Halloween in WeHo. Can't wait for next year.

The Outfit
H&M white shirt
Forever 21 black jeans
Theory velvet jacket

The Accessories
Duke wig
Chanel sunglasses and hair ribbon
Sam Edelman booties
Forever 21 fingerless gloves
H&M tie and faux Chanel pin tie

The Grade
D for Dragalicious

The Commentary
So this year I decided to try my hand at drag for the first time in 31 years. Tonight I channeled Chanel in black and white as the Kaiser himself. EEEEEEEEEEE!!

The idea started percolating last year when Sable Crow and I visited Jean Bean in NYC. It was my first Halloween outside L.A. and I had a ball. Literally.

At the Roberto Cavalli Masquerade Ball, we met impossibly stunning sailors.

And Spartans.

And rockstars and pirates

And a few delish, um, six packs.

But no costume made as big an impression as Karl. There was a thin, young queen in the Village who's costume was PERFECTION but I only managed to snap a pic of this slightly heavier, definitely straighter version. Boo.

I couldn't believe it had never dawned on me before. OF COURSE, Karl makes for an evergreen costume. His look is so iconic and consistent that it is instantly recognizable and fairly simple to pull off. I filed it away for future reference. Actually hoped Sable Crow might rock it someday.

As Halloween rolled around this year, I realized I wanted to be something fabulous. But I needed it to be easy and inexpensive. No time or big bucks to spend. I knew I wanted to do something fashionable so I thought about being Coco Chanel - wearing a LBD and some pearls and a black bob. But just the thought of that bored me to tears.

Last weekend, I realized it wouldn't take much effort for me to transform into Karl. I had a solid foundation: uncomfortably tight black jeans, a tailored black blazer, dark sunglasses, my Marie Antoinette fan, heavy bronzer and loads of attitude.

All I'd need was a white button down, a black tie, fingerless gloves and the perfect wig. I went in knowing the wig would be the hardest part of the costume to get right. My back up plan was to spray my hair with that toxic spray paint from my Madonna birthday.

I think it worked out quite well for minimal effort. Plus I threw it on after I had a few cocktails so my tie was a little more askew than I would have liked. And I wish I had borrowed a belt from Sable Crow. And remembered my white lace fan. F.

But the "Duke" wig spelled perfection as did my mom's Chanel sunglasses. Not too many people recognized me but I LOVE the demographic that did: a sassy Japanese couple, a group of forty-something Euro ladies who lunch and a clique of teenage girls who look like they go to West Beverly :) We did see two other Karls out tonight but I was the only girl underneath all the bronzer and sucked in cheek action.

Mr. D was pretty freaked out by my transformation into a man. Wasn't too keen on holding hands at the beginning of the night. HAHAHHA!! Forgot all about me in drag as he started getting loads of female and male attention from Howard fans. Talk about an evergreen costume. He created that nose/sunglasses/wig combo 6 years ago (I was a Playboy bunny that year) and it still gets soooo much attention.

Daisy Duke's was also a HUGE hit tonight as Sarah Pallin. So many people asked to get her photograph - that's the sign you are a star on Halloween ;)

I thought there would have been more Sarahs out tonight but we only saw two. DD was definitely the most statuesque.

Best accessory goes to Officer Poncherello for out manuevering the WeHo parade snarl on his new "hog."

He tried to arrest me for looking so good tonight.

If looking like Karl is a crime, I say guilty as charged.

p.s. For an awesome round-up of this year's celebrity costumes, visit Maholo Fashion.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Scene
Can't believe it's Halloween tomorrow. My favorite holiday (after my birthday) and I am so mired in work poop that I haven't been able to prep properly.

Finally got the chance to pick up a wig for my costume today. It's gonna either be AHmazing or a disaster. Fingers crossed...

The Outfit
Marc by Marc Jacobs top
Image sweater
Katayone Adeli slacks

The Accessories
Louis Vuitton Speedy and earrings
Manolo Blahniks
Claire's headband

The Grade

The Commentary
Another day

Another headband.

Still feeling blah. Grabbed this bright boisterous top to try to lift my spirits. Instead of rocking it weekend casual like I did last month, today I dowdied it up for work. Snooze.

Think some of these MJ yummies might brighten my mood - all on sale at Neiman's right this very second.

And these Manolos are just the splash of animal print I am craving - unfortunately, none on sale at Neiman's this very second ;(

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Scene
Get out of the office before 9 for the first time in two weeks. I gotta get a new life.

Watch those book-hawking Olsen twins on Oprah. Their big "a-ha" moment? In order to be successful, one must follow one's passion.

Ugh. Easy to say when you are a billionaire in your early 20s.

Strangely, the Zappos CEO I met last month was on the episode too! He was selling the whole money follows passion wisdom too. Hmmmm. Maybe all these mini moguls have a point.

And maybe my mortgage will just pay for itself too in a depressed economy. F.

The Outfit
Vintage sweater
Forever 21 top
J Brand jeans

The Accessories
Louis Vuitton Speedy
Tory Burch flats
Forever 21 headband

The Grade
B is for blah

The Commentary
Have been feeling soooo frumpy. Probably because I can't be bothered to do my hair. Built the outfit around the containing-the-fro headband in fact.

Decided on the flowery navy top next and then the ruffly beige sweater to match. Very prissy, very Blair.

Cute nuff outfit. Tres blue. To match my mood ;)

Katie's been killing blue lately. This three piece suit is Saville Row heaven.

Digging the tights and MJs but not that scarf tied up on her head.

Much prefer the naughty tied up shoes with letha leggings. Yum.

Loving electric blue bags. They go with any outfit.

Olivia Palmero is my newest girl crush.

Purple hammer pants with a blue scarf. ADORE!!!

I need a leather jacket like yesterday.

Jean Bean dug this look on Ashley in person but it was a little too basic column blah for me. And those squished boobs! Owie.

Speaking of painful..Speidi. Ugh. How does she end up with EVERY SHOE I love??? First the Guccis and then the YSL booties. Now the Stellas. F.


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