The focus of today's conference was - drum roll - Twitter. Seriously. This is my nerdy life.
In early January, our company's social media manager started reporting to me. This means I now supervise our corporate blogs and Twitter presence - in addition to overseeing PR and corporate communications. Excellent experience. Which is why I try to endure shoes with toes. Sigh.
Think about the fact that recent California earthquakes were a trending topic on Twitter 9 minutes before the AP knew there was an earthquake. When you really think about it, Twitter was built for news. 140 characters is essentially a news headline.
Sure, an individual can use Twitter to blast out the mundane "My cat rolled over" or "I'm hungry." But the real sweet spot exists for major brands, entrepreneurs and content providers interested in getting their message out instantaneously. Vital to understand if you're thinking of starting your own business anytime soon.
The most random part of the conference: MC Hammer. Yes, THAT MC Hammer.
After the conference wrapped up I had an hour to kill before heading to SFO, so I headed to my home away from home, the Forever 21 on Market.
Tried on several dresses but only ended up with the strapless one in the background of this picture. You are gonna love.
Then I headed home to Mr. Diabolina on Virgin America. Talk about a brand innovator. Love that airline. Their social media team was at today's conference sharing all the cool things they are doing with Twitter. And building their brand i.e. giving out cool t-shirts ;)
The Outfit
Robert Rodriguez high waisted skirt
Banana Republic top and coat
The Accessories
Forever 21 necklace
Louis Vuitton earrings
Chanel bag
Gucci scarf
Tory Burch flats
The Grade
The Commentary
If I'd known Hammer was going to be in the house today
Ironically, I got my Hammer jumpsuit up in San Francisco back in October.
Have been to the Bay Area more in the last year (back in August and then in November again) than I've been in the last decade.
Today since I was attending a conference instead of working one I didn't have to don the McDonald's uniform.
Turned to this skirt-top-coat combo that I discovered for my first client meeting in January. It is just the right mix of pulled together but not stuffy.
Still addicted to all things high-waisted.
Currently loving the versatility of a good skirt.
Particularly love looks like yesterday's where the skirt and top look like one single piece.
But the real centerpiece of today's outfit was my new Forever 21 score.
Purty statement necklace for under $15.
Better than over a hundred for House of Harlow.
Or over $800 for Marni.
These necklaces are currently on sale.
Looooove them but not willing to pay that much. Hello, remember Chapter 11? Ugh.
These Kenneth Jay Lane ones are better priced in the $100 - $200 range.
But they are not really my style. Too TOO.
And much prefer my version of the Diorette ring than this KJL one that retails for a $180!!! If you bought one from me on eBay for $30, you got a deal, ladies.