So let's talk about ma baby pooch.
I gained exactly 26 pounds while I was pregnant. Designated a high risk pregnancy due to my "advanced maternal age," I was determined to stay on the lower end of the healthy weight gain range.
Plus, blech, I was already a good 10 lbs heavier than I like to be when I got pregnant. AND I heard over and over again that staying active would make my labor and recovery easier. A huge incentive to not pork out for someone terrified of birthing babies out of her lady parts.
I gained exactly 26 pounds while I was pregnant. Designated a high risk pregnancy due to my "advanced maternal age," I was determined to stay on the lower end of the healthy weight gain range.
Plus, blech, I was already a good 10 lbs heavier than I like to be when I got pregnant. AND I heard over and over again that staying active would make my labor and recovery easier. A huge incentive to not pork out for someone terrified of birthing babies out of her lady parts.
And I do believe the months of healthy eating and particularly the exercise (walking and swimming) during the last weeks of my pregnancy paid off: I was *only* in active labor for 9ish hours and it took me less than 8 weeks to lose the weight I gained.
But even though the number on the scale is the same as before baby, my middle looks totally different. My stomach has never been my strong suit (Me gustan carbs too much) but now it's definitely the weakest link. And this old girl's formerly best feature, ma legs, are now thicker in a way that seems irreversibly motherly. Thanks Mini me!
But even though the number on the scale is the same as before baby, my middle looks totally different. My stomach has never been my strong suit (Me gustan carbs too much) but now it's definitely the weakest link. And this old girl's formerly best feature, ma legs, are now thicker in a way that seems irreversibly motherly. Thanks Mini me!
Given these two delightful developments none of my pants fit quite right. Enter jeggings to the rescue. They were my go to when I was pregnant and they are again when I have a newborn. I am not ashamed. I figure they are like yoga pants but with a little bit more style...though I am starting to get into the athletic mom look...minus the working out part.
My fave new leggings are from Nordstrom.
They are SUPER comfortable, have some moto texture to make them look like jeans and a thick waistband to hold all my mess in.

I bought them in oxblood, black AND grey to see me thru the fall. I'm going to pretend I look as good in leggings post baby as Gwen did preggo. Sigh.

They are SUPER comfortable, have some moto texture to make them look like jeans and a thick waistband to hold all my mess in.

I bought them in oxblood, black AND grey to see me thru the fall. I'm going to pretend I look as good in leggings post baby as Gwen did preggo. Sigh.

Today I wore them with a long dark gray tank from Tarjay, a hippie dippy bed jacket from Hardwear to hide the muffin man middle and monochrome Loeffler Randall scalloped flats to lengthen the gams.
I give the outfit a solid B for Breastfeeding Badass. But my baby wins today in her panda top.
OMG you're blogging daily. I can't keep up. I heart jeggings too. And call me basic but I lurve the high waist on my Wunder Unders.
I totally feel you as far as your body being differrent!
Congratulations Diabolina! She's beautiful!!!!
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