About a year and a half ago, Paola left entertainment and started her own company called Just Chic Events. So inspiring. Glad to report business is booming for her despite the slow economy. But, like many women who work from home, she's found herself in a bit of a fashion slump recently. Diabolina to the rescue ;)

But you wouldn't know any of that from looking at the muted meh-ness that is her closet! It's filled with shapeless cardigans, skirts that are TOO BIG, more functional wedges than I've ever seen under one roof and clothes from college that she hasn't worn in years. {crying}
There were no jewel tones! No bold prints! No structured jackets! No look-at-me accessories! No hot sex shoes! This made me a very sad but very determined Diabolina.

I started with the positives in her wardrobe. Easy separates in saturated colors. Flattering dresses that work well for day or evening. And several jeans and slacks that fit her to a T. Pants are often difficult to find for petite women so I was thrilled that this wasn't an issue.

Skirts on the other hand were a, um, problemA for PaolA. With a longer torso, she needs shorter lengths and higher waists. And I love me some polka dots too but this skirt is a DEAR GOD MAKE IT STOP ;)

Thankfully, Paola knew this had to be done and is ready for a new, improved style that reflects where she is in her life right this very second. Soooo excited to pull together her look book this weekend and help her start projecting a more fabulous self to her family, friends and clients. We'll share more details in a future Diabolina Styled Me post.

After our appointment, I stopped by a few resale shops on the way home.

Strictly research for Paola of course ;)

It wasn't my fault that I struck the motherload at Crossroads.

Citizens of Humanity jeans, Marc Jacobs heels AND a very me tunic. All for just $90. I have a gift.

Came home to a package from one of my favorite people I've never met, Lookrichbitch. YAY! And grabbed sushi for dinner with Mr. Diabolina. Double YAY! Wonderful day. Felt like I'm on the road to finding a new and improved ME soon too.

The Outfit
Diane Von Furstenberg top
J Brand skinny jeans
Marciano leather jacket
The Accessories
Dolce and Gabbana leopard heels
Fashion District leopard scarf
Louis Vuitton earrings and Speedy
Forever 21 sunglasses
The Grade
The Commentary
Since I started the blog in January 2008 and started styling in January 2009, I have had friends and clients alike tell me that they get anxious about what to wear whenever they're going to see me. I always laugh and say that's a good thing. After all, it means they care. It means they are going to put some effort in.
That's the whole point of this blog and what I'm doing with clients. I'm not about judging anyone. Spend five minutes with me and you'll know that. I'm much more interested in helping women feel and look fabulous. That's it. That's enough.

That being said, I always have a bit of a fashion freakout myself whenever I am going to meet someone who is PAYING me for fashion advice. After all, it's like the beginning of my dreams coming true

And I know that people are partly hiring me for how I present myself. That's just business. Whether you work for a brand or you ARE your brand. People have eyes. People hire people they want to work with and represent them. It's not shallow. It's human nature.

So in or out of The Office, I always try to strike the right balance between professional and inspirational. I don't always get it right but I try. That's half the battle.

Today I was tempted to wear my hot pink skirt from last Saturday.

That color makes me feel so alive, so electric, so pretty.

But since it was raining most of the morning I opted for the hot pink DVF top

With a leather jacket, scarf and dark jeans.

Felt bizarre to bundle up in June.

This time of year we should be tan and showing off our legs. Impending Armageddon sucks.

Want to duplicate this exact look soon.

But today I wanted to avoid too much black.

Opted for lighter colored leather to feel a bit more summery.

Decided to pull out this scarf and bring even more pop to the top.

Love all leopard prints in bright colors lately. Worked so well with the Dolce heels today.

If I could wear one print for the rest of my life it would be leopard. I'm just a cat that way.
i heart you in a pink.
Cute outfit girlie!
I am totally wearing functional wedges today. Ugh.
Congrats! She's a lucky lady!
Oh yeah, with her looks and job she should be eye-catching!
YAH! two of my favorites getting together... I LOOOVE it!
love all the pattern mixing in your outfit..scarf, top and shoes.
Oh nice marc jacobs shoes cant wait to see what you pair it with.
Yay! Glad the package arrived safely! :) BTW, you're one of my favorite stranger/friends too!
Must get out of my black and blue rut of late and join the colored people!
Can't wait to see what you pull together for her!
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