Hard hard day. Found out this morning that I didn't get something I really wanted. Something that would have changed my life. Something I've been clinging to like a life raft for the last week. Boo.
All the usual suspects - Mr. Diabolina, my mom, The Peeper, Jean Bean, Peaches, Sable Crow, Kbro, JCH - reminded me that clearly the universe has a bigger plans for me. I sooooo wish I had the unwavering confidence in myself that my loved ones do. I'd rule the world by now ;)

Thankfully I got to spend the evening with one pretty kitty who is well on her way to doing just that. Today was Styleminded's last day at the company I left last year. She's been offered an AHMAZING new job. YAYAYA!

Only downer: it's in San Francisco. WahWahWah! Can't believe my little baby is all growns up and moving away.

Seems like just yesterday that she and I met at work. But it's actually been over two years since we sat next to each other, bonded over Forever 21 and became fast friends.

Styleminded has handed me so much over the course of our friendship. She is a light on the planet. One of those people that lives in the moment, sees the best in people, and hunts down new experiences like most people cling to tired old ones.

Her sweet, fun-loving energy is infectious. It is impossible to be anything but carefree and hopeful and open-minded around her. Not sure I would have completed a 5K mud run with anyone else. So glad I did ;)

Without her, I seriously doubt there would ever have been a My Super Sweet Fashion Diary. How sad would we all be then, huh? ESPECIALLY me ;)

So today our OG crew got together to bid her a fond farewell.

Even Mr. D joined the festivities. He is a longtime Styleminded groupie.

After a happy hour with a big group from work, a smaller group of us went out for dinner. Dinner in a big plastic bag.
Nothing quite like the stinky goodness that is The Boiling Crab.

As the token non-Asians, Mr. D and I were pretty overwhelmed. Can't believe it's been over a year since the last time we got our crab on. My Burberry trench still reeks ;)

Tonight we proved, once AH-GAIN, that we may look like hot chicks but we eat like hot messes.

Wonderful night moving forward into tomorrow with friends from yesteryear.

The Outfit
Forever 21 dress
Image brown wrap sweater
The Accessories
Fashion District bangles
Me&Ro necklace and earrings
Stella McCartney bag
Kate Spade heels
The Grade
The Commentary

Got today's dress this weekend at Forever with tonight in mind. Reminded me of how Styleminded and I used to plan our shopping trips based on what nights The Hot Chick Club planned to go out. I remember weeks where we'd go out up to three times a week. God, we were fun.

Loved the nipped in waist of today's dress on sight

The fussy neckline and skirt also had me at hello.

So many fussy dresses catching my eye lately.

The most fabulously fussy dress I've seen in a long time: this Atelier Versace spike dress on Diane Kruger. Only she could steal the thunder from Angelina Jolie at Brad's premiere.

Also got the dress because you know how much I love color blocking.

Especially in blue and gray.

Almost keeled over when I saw Styleminded was wearing a similar dress, slingbacks and toe nail polish. TWINSIES EVEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME.

Can't wait to shop and eat and dance our way through San Francisco. That Golden Gate better get ready for some HAUTE photoshoots.
Yay to changes...to bigger and better. Your time will come. Kiss.
sorry to hear the news, but you'll be fine...better than fine...with such a wonderful group of loved ones to support you.
p.s. twinkies for the millionth time! i have the f21 dress and LOVE it!
Other people always have more faith in us than we do in ourselves.
Sorry to hear that you didn't get it, D. It's true, your time will come and you will find fulfillment. One door closes while a window opens, remember that in trying times.
I'm so sad you didn't get it. :( :( There just must be something bigger and more fabulous out there for you. {{hugs}}
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