The SceneUntil today I'd never heard of the Fleur de Lys house.

I had heard of its owner, Suzanne Saperstein. I mean how could I not know the biggest haute couture customer on the West Coast.

I had heard of its owner, Suzanne Saperstein. I mean how could I not know the biggest haute couture customer on the West Coast.

Spent a couple of hours touring the home and the grounds, a stunning homage to Versailles and other French palaces.

No wonder Mariah Carey reportedly had her eye on it. Listing price: a cool $125 million.

Felt like we were traipsing around a Vegas hotel not a private citizen's home.

Maybe that's why I had an uncontrollable urge to jump in the pool. The fact that is was Vegas hot in L.A. today didn't help. After my second cocktail, I decided there wouldn't be any harm in "accidentally" falling into the pool.

That is until Sable Crow put on his "I'm on the board of the Trevor Project" name tag. Ugh. Now everyone would know that the girl who took a dip in the pool was a board member's date. Fie on that name tag.

A saucy legal eagle with a fashion business on the side and friends at the UN in Guatemala where he's off to next week. PLUS he was matching me cocktail for cocktail??? I'm in love.

After a moving presentation about the incredibly vital teen suicide prevention work the Trevor Project is doing, we were treated to...drum roll...ballroom dancing.

Random but not as random as it sounds. The lady of the house recently opened a same sex dance studio in WeHo. Gawd, I love rich people.

After the party, we headed out to Ciudad for dinner

A little sustenance to keep the philantropic party train going

You see tonight USC's Lambda Alumni Association was hosting a graduation party at the new bowling hotspot in LA Live.
Decided to brave breaking our old hips and support young gay Trojans.

Today marked the first time in 13 years of friendship that Mr. Diabolina, Sable Crow and I have bowled together!!!

I on the other hand am a bit of a problema on the lanes. I blame my pigeon toes ;)

Thankfully Sable Crow reminded me of one critical point: we were bowling with queens.

Which made tonight more about laughing, dancing, looking pretty and drinking mixed cocktails than dumb ole athletic skill. My kinda bowling. My kinda Sunday.

The Outfit
Fashion District dress
The Accessories
Marc by Marc Jacobs heels
H&M clutch
Brass Plum earrings
Chloe sunglasses
The Grade
The Commentary
A garden party at the fabulous house of the West Coast's biggest couture client screamed maxi dress to me.
The Commentary

Spent the last couple of days hoping a gorgeous flowy feminine dress like this would magically appear.

But when I awoke today and there was no gorgeous Fancypants dress in my closet, I had yet another fashion emergency. Didn't help that I was convinced I would look chunks and sweat through anything today.

Finally settled on this look because of the color. And the whole fluttery detailing kinda looks like a garden, right?

Figured I'd play up the girly and ladylike today

The ratio of men to women at Trevor events is usually 4 to 1.

The new bangs have a mind of their own. F.

Also good to know: Leggings are a smart bowling alternative to jeans on a hot day.

Simply rock a long top and you're all good - Nini and Hahn in Vegas style.

Not good: switching into flats in a hurry and forgetting to bring your socks to a bowling alley.

Thankfully no one called me out for bowling in my regular non-regulation shoes
Though one young boy did muster up the courage to ask me: Where did you get your cool bowling shoes? I should have said Chanel.
You look super sweet in that blue dress.
1. Love the dress
2. Love the bowling form
So jealous of your picture with Barney from How I Met Your Mother! And in honor of you I wore my first Forever 21 clothing purchases to work this week. Very exciting to wear a blouse that's only $16.
oh that blue dress is fabulous! I love the ruffle/fluttery details ...oh so pretty! looks like so much fun was had as well :)
Argh for your pic with Doogie! Had THE biggest crush on him back in the day.
such a pretty little devil in a blue dress!
I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see a wet-dress picture.
You are the cutest bowler ever! I love the idea of leggings rather than jeans for a night at the bowling alley. Speaking of leggings, have you seen what BCBG is selling these days? http://www.bcbg.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3458793&cp=2769072&camp=BCBG%3A0330_LP%3ACLOTHING%3ABOTTOMS&view=all&parentPage=family
Check it out...
Yay! Love posts of days when I was there; it's like getting to read the "she said" part of the dialogue that's in my head!
I'm glad you had fun, sorry you posted pics of me bowling, and proud of your support for the Trevor Project!
Sable Crow
ps. Lashes and Dimples confided in me later: "That girl can DRINK! I had a hard time keeping up..."
I assured him you've had YEARS of training.
What a fab party! So excited you got to take a pic w/ Doogie!!
Wow, what a house, and the party! Looked fab. And you got a pic with NPH! Doesn't get any better than that.
1. I'm jealous of all of the glamorous parties you attend.
2. Your hot friends are, well, hot! I love gay guys too.
3. What do you mean by "Fashion District"? Is that a store or an area? How come I don't know about this?
4. You look so great in that blue dress. I think that's your color!
The cutest bowler I ever did see!!
I've got to know. What was your actual response to the kid who asked about your cute bowling shoes?
Sable Crow...Great job with the Trevor Project!
Tim and I are die-hard NPH fans! I hope he was nice :)
NPH was lovely - gracious and engaging. I was nervous and tipsy and kept talking over him. Ugh.
I so freaking jealous you got a picture with Doogie himself! Dude!!
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