Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Scene
Today was about as perfect as a work day gets.

My mom called at just the right moment and asked if I wanted to go to lunch. YAY!

We used to lunch alot at two of my former jobs. I love seeing her in the middle of the day. Makes me feel all growns up and like a little girl at the same time.

She took me to this Italian deli where she normally orders MEATBALL subs. Who is she??? LOVE it.

At about 5, the other woman in my group asked me if I wanted to go to a happy hour. Despite having plans to run on the beach I said yes. Eeek, my first happy hour!

Ended up being a young guy's birthday celebration. Meet some nice techy guys and had a Guinness with a side of awkward getting to know you conversation. The "party" broke up about an hour later (my former co-workers/booze hounds would be appalled) so I decided to still go for that run. Very ambitious of me.

Running by the water at sunset was heaven. HEAVEN. This is definitely going to be the way to stay motivated. Loved the path and the fresh air and the sound of the waves.

Also loved the amalgam of people strolling by the water's edge at dusk. Young professionals like me. Monied ladies jogging in pairs. Retired men walking their dogs. Moms walking their kids. Loved it all.

Can't believe I've lived here all my life and never done this. Proof positive that it's super easy to try something new. You just have to do it. Thanks, Nike, for telling it how it is.

After the run, I popped into some nearby stores and grabbed dinner to go. I had a date to cheer on Mr. Diabolina at his league volleyball game. He was recruited by his law school buddy Fancypants and he has since recruited my friend Mindychu who recruited her high school team bestie Lauragami. Get the friend circle now? Good ;)

They play a few minutes from my job. YAY! Love watching them be sporty spices. And ADORE watching their shorts-wearing tushies hustle for the ball. Yum. If I was as tall and cute as them, I'd wear spandex morning, noon and night.

Deliriously happy day.

p.s. Jean Bean found out she is meeting Karl Lagerfeld on Friday!!!!! Fainted, dead on the ground.

She is nervous because he is sooooo volatile. Ugh. I mean, he could seriously slap her or make her his muse for 2 days. I am betting on the latter.

p.p.s. In a glorious twist of fate, my friend invited me to a Chanel party today. It will be next week. HELL YA! It's no kicking it with the Kaiser himself but here's praying for a cosmetics filled goodie bag.

The Outfit
Forever 21 wrap dress
Fuchsia wrap sweater

The Accessories
Manolo Blahnik chocolate peep toe pumps
Marc by Marc Jacobs Airliner clutch
Me&Ro necklace
Louis Vuitton earrings

The Grade

The Commentary
Couldn't take the pants anymore. Had to wear a dress to work for the first time. Show everyone I've got legs. Even if they are a bit motley.

Love love love me this dress. Just $24 but I have gotten so much wear out of it. Today I paired it with the clutch of all clutches and the sweater of all sweaters. Amazing the difference the pops of colors make, no?

This type of dress and most jersey DVFs are great for traveling. It balls up so easily and doesn't wrinkle and makes you look chic on the road.

Whenever I wear it I think of a WONDERFUL trip to New York. The one when Jean Bean took me to the DVF show.
The show that has since yielded two dresses for moi.

Just remembering that I talked to SATC style czarina Patricia Field that day!!! Who am I???

My mom claims she met Pat through my dad in the 80s in New York. So Jean Bean encouraged me to go up to her and tell her I was a fan. Alas she didn't remember him but she was cool.

What things this DVF look alike has seen :)

p.s. Apparently I'm not the only one addicted to clutches lately. Here's my main man Marc sporting one.

Check out the event sponsors in the picture on the right. KY and Burger King and PEREZHILTON!!!!

What was Marc doing there? And why did he have to wear my most detested male footwear - those HID sandals??? And if he wanted a pretty baby to match his suit why didn't he call me and my clutch up? Ugh.

Thanks to Michelle for this delicious pic ;)


weezermonkey said...

Mr. D playing volleyball? Hee!

So...is the HOA situation handled?

tam pham said...

umm yeah I had to knock marc down a couple of notches on the respect ladder for attending Perez Hilton's birthday party. he's better than that.

so jealous of jb meeting Karl. need lots of details as soon as it happens.

Anonymous said...

so very DVF. Gorge!


Michelle said...

"he could seriously slap her or make her his muse for 2 days"
OMG - I LAUGHED my butt off when I read this because I envision him the same way! I mean what do you say to such a fashion legend? We must get a full report...we need to know if he'll be wearing those fingerless leather gloves!

I didn't even realize the sponsers on that one pic! KY? Perez Hilty? Oh...he's just supporting his fellow gay.

Love the outfit! I'm so not good at throwing splashes of color. I think it's amazing when I remember to wear my leopard print flats with my little black dress! Innovative, I know.

Oh and thanks for the shout out! (did i just say shout out?)

Unknown said...

Great use of "motley!" Ha ha. OK, so it is the morning of the Lagerfeld thing and as I write this it is raining, so the Chanel-esque outfit I had planned is not going to work. I have to go stare into the closet for 2 hours, with intermittent crying. Ok bye.

MissMissy said...

What a beautiful run! I have to stop and take time to take in the scenery we take for granted here in Cali! I think I have to go to F21 this weekend. VS semi annual sale is happening too! Must be pretty underneath as well! Have a great weekent!

MissMissy said...

I'm such a ninny... Vic's sale didn't start this weekend : ( Next month. Darn you pre-sale e-mails!

amber said...

not totally the same, but i just ran the rose bowl this weekend and couldn't figure out why i hadn't done it before. so so much better than running around my apt or on the treadmill. the beach is my next spot to hit up for some outdoor exercise! :)


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