Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Feature: Mr. Diabolina Dishes...

So occasionally Mr. Diabolina rants and raves about the most RANDOM things. Kinda like Andy Rooney. Except not on death's doorstep and with less bushy eyebrows.

The other day one of his rants turned to fashion. I listened, bemused, and jokingly asked him if he wanted to be a guest editor on my blog.

The idea probably came from Kate of All Trades who recently had her yummy hubby blog in her name. To my shock and delight, Mr. Diabolina agreed too!!!

So here is his first post of fashion musings.
Please encourage the cuteness with copious comments. Danke ;)


Last night as I was watching BBC World News, they ran a story about the recent world premiere of Sex And The City: The Movie in London. They showed all the usual suspects.

Kim Cattrall looking amazing for being 50. Kristin Davis who always looks ladylike. And Cynthia Nixon who, frankly, got waaaay hotter after I learned she was a lesbian.

But when they flashed on SJP, I nearly dropped my spoon in my cereal bowl. (Yes, we eat cereal for dinner occasionally. No, we're not poor college students.)

As a character on the show, she has always been more daring in terms of her fashion. Be it those big flowery things (BFTs) she sometimes wears on her outfit, a hat, belt, shoes, bag, whatever.

I’ve actually come to expect to feel a little confused and overwhelmed by SOME part of her outfit. (It's a running joke that Diabolina takes it as a GOOD sign when I "don't understand" one of her outfits. Means it must be high fashion.)

But when I saw that giant potted plant on SJP's head, I really thought she'd gone TOO FAR. Diabolina says she's intentionally trying to be “over the top” but I got feeling that SJP herself was a little unsure of herself. She kept having to hold her hand to her hat to make sure it didn’t tip her over.

SJP seems like the type of person who could wear the most hideous, god-awful, Chico’s inspired look (Diabolina HATES Chico's) and people would swoon. Say she looks great or is starting a new trend.

But there MUST be some point when even she crosses the line of good taste. And I think last night may have been it. She'll likely wind up on the back page of Diabolina's US Magazine. In the “When Bad Clothes Happen To Good People” section. Mark my words.

Don’t get me wrong: the woman is an icon, and I completely respect her influence on fashion, but I feel compelled to express some skepticism about that horticultural hat of hers.

It’s kind of like the little boy in the story who couldn’t help but declare that the King was naked, despite being told that only a fool couldn’t see his clothes. I guess even fashion royalty sometimes make mistakes.

Mr. Diabolina
Fashion Critic at Large


weezermonkey said...

Sheer hilarity.

Artsy Fartsy said...

Uh oh...looks like someone is giving Diabolina a run for her fashion critic money! Funny!

amber said...

<3 "horticulture hat"

love this post! more, more, more!!

Kate said...

Le sigh....Mr D makes me swoon.

Couldn't agree more about that hat. Do you think she wore it during the screening? Feel sorry for whoever was sitting behind her.

Jean Bean said...

Dear Mr. Diabolina, I respectfully disagree. The wearing of outrageous hats is a national pastime in the UK, and I assume it's a Phillip Treacy, who is a national hero. Plus, SJP is in character there. Her job is to promote the movie and get Carrie's image disseminated as widely as possible. The fact that we are discussing the HH two days later means it was a roaring success! Love, Beans P.S. Keep posting!

MissJordyPants said...

the first photo I saw of her, I didn't even realize the plum was part of her hat. Thought it was the background and she just had an acorn-esque hat. Then I saw it from a different angle and couldn't believe the sheer ridiculousness of it. The thing's as big as she is!

Keep up the posting... super adorable!

MissMissy said...

Swooning over Mr D. Great commentary!!! 2 thumbs up!

Lynn Tran said...

First, lovin' this new feature. Mr. D must continue to guest post. Second, my coworkers and I were just discussing this hat (and all the ladies' outfits) yesterday, and we plan to dress just like them to go see the movie. I volunteered to recreate the hat using my rehearsal dinner bouquet. Third, I am dying at the term "horticultural hat."

cyberob151 said...

There is a story about a king with no clothes that EVERYONE has heard about??

Blue Bird said...

Holy balls, that hat is ridiculous. I'm with you on this one, Mr. D.

But Jean Bean is right - here we are talking about it. Clever girl, that SJP, gloriously absurd though she may be. (hey, that rhymes)

More Mr. D posts in the future, please. I'm hoping to convince my lady to let me do some more posts on hers as well.

-Mr. T

Cee said...

dahahahaha. so hilarious at how Mr D has already predicted that SJP will be in the worst dressed list.

please continue to enlighten us mr D

Sable Crow said...

I'm MAD for Mr. Diabolina's guest blog! While SJP is a modern-day Audrey, I feel bad for the people sitting behind her at the screening. I doubt they could see the film for the trees.


texas cowboy said...

Mr. D.
Hooray! I agree with you totally. Even though I fell that this comment will get me into trouble with Jean Bean, I still must voice my opinion that "Sex in the City" is a Movie/Show about a bunch of aging cougars. With that in mind, I think that they must mask the perception of wrinkles and menopause with accesories that takes the eye away from the real target of the viewers, ie. the overtanned and over botoxed faces. Don't get me wrong, I fully expect a woman to age, but aging gracefully is better than over-exagerating.

But on another note, Mrs. D. Thank you for all of your support of my courtship and engagement of Jean Bean. Your vote of confidence makes me feel that much more at ease to know that I will be accepted into this Family. I love what you write and I know that it is just a matter of time until it is noticed by those who will pay you for it.

dapotato said...

OMG. chico's. back page of us weekly. potted plant. love it.

you MUST visit again, mr. diabolina!

tam pham said...

what a genius post! love it!

Anonymous said...

blasphemy Mr. D! pure and utter blasphemy!

lucky you to play hubby to such an amazing little wifey


Juana said...

That hat is the same as your girlfriend, mister...DA BOMB!

R said...

The dress was a dream. The hat was a nightmare. <3 Mr. Diabolina's guest post! :)


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