For the rapture, I was amongst the hoardes of fashion whores ascending the stairway to heaven i.e. the new Forever 21 on the top floor of the Beverly Center.

If you haven't been and aren't prone to naseousness, Best selection ever. It's even more impressive than the behemoth F21 at the Americana or the three-story one on the Third Street Promenade. It is, as Racked LA called it, 45,000 square feet of "overwhelming humongosity."

Narrowed it down to 12 summer essentials Best of all: the entire haul cost less than $150 thanks to some opening weekend discounts. Bananas right? Behold the fun:
Four pairs of shorts to motivate me to go running
The scalloped rasberry skirt I saw months ago but haven't been able to find since
A chevron dress perfect for easy summer nights
A replacement for my other Forever 21 army green jacket that I've worn out over the last three years
A COMFORTABLE jumper that looks like it's DVF
Bangles that look like the circa 1990 friendship bracelets everyone's hot for again