This nerd

+ this nerd=T-R-O-U-B-L-E
It's been true since college and it's only gotten worse in our old age. I blame the fact that we've lived on different coasts for the last decade of our friendship. It creates all sorts of pressure to go wild when we are together. We're like giggly piggy drunky schoolgirls.

There's always too much food

And even more drinks.

When we are in L.A., there's usually a pool we terrorize.

When we are in New York, Fifth Avenue is typically involved.

Today there was even ping pong of all things!!!

This afternoon we had so much fun cackling and conspiring over drinks at the Standard pool that I was lights out by - wait for it - 8 p.m. F!!!!!!
Peaches and his boyfriend and their big shot L.A. friends showed up to pick me up for dinner and I could barely pick up the phone. Ugh, who am I? A grandmother that's who. On probation that's who. I disgust me. least I'll get to see Peach over Thanksgiving and for an entire month in January when he is in L.A. for work. That'll be the longest he's been in town since college!!!
It's gonna be B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Non-stop eating and passing out by 8 ;)
The Outfit
Betsey Johnson dress
The Accessories
Marc by Marc Jacobs tote and sandals
Louis Vuitton earrings
Faux Prada sunnies
The Grade
A for Authentic Awesomeness
The Commentary
You may recall that though Peaches has good taste in girlfriends, he has not-so-good taste in women's fashion. During my NYC trip earlier this summer, Jean Bean and I decided he is in fact Team Betsey Johnson. Cool in the 90s but a bit - ahem - down market today. We've been teasing him mercilessly about Betsey ever since because it is fun and we are evil.

Thought it would be HIGHlarious to wave the white flag today and wear this Betsey Johnson dress. Haven't worn it in at least 8 years!! I bought it when I was 15!!!!! Can you believe it? Am officially aged because I am rocking something I wore the first time it was in vogue. I am vintage ;)
This dress was one of my first designer purchases. I saved up money from my one and only retail job (at The Limited Too!) and my mom helped match my paltry shekels. Probably cost about $150 - a pretty penny back then. I will never ever never get rid of it. Still love the paneling at the chest and the poufy sleeves and the flattering cut and the functional pockets. Would never have worn it off the shoulder when I was a teenager. But today, I felt old enough, bold enough :)

ADORE that the print is right on trend for Fall 2008 even though I bought it in 1993!! Digging most of the winter florals on shopbop right now.
Think my dress is a little Nanette Lepore

Meets Lauren Conrad.

Perfect with my newly cut and dyed hair. 15 year old Diabolina never looked this fly.

p.s. Peaches forgot that it's still summer in L.A. in October and didn't pack a swimsuit. So I brought him this delish Penguin number from Mr. Diabolina's closet (made him buy it a few years ago.) I find it hilarious that each of them fretted that the other one was much skinnier and in fact they ended up being the same size. Funny BOYZ!

The only guy that stole Peach's thunder at the pool was this guy. Let me tell you a hot pink puppy t-shirt is the COOLEST THING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN when you've had a few cocktails in the sun. He got our A+!
+ this nerd=T-R-O-U-B-L-E
It's been true since college and it's only gotten worse in our old age. I blame the fact that we've lived on different coasts for the last decade of our friendship. It creates all sorts of pressure to go wild when we are together. We're like giggly piggy drunky schoolgirls.
There's always too much food
And even more drinks.
When we are in L.A., there's usually a pool we terrorize.
When we are in New York, Fifth Avenue is typically involved.
Today there was even ping pong of all things!!!
This afternoon we had so much fun cackling and conspiring over drinks at the Standard pool that I was lights out by - wait for it - 8 p.m. F!!!!!!
Peaches and his boyfriend and their big shot L.A. friends showed up to pick me up for dinner and I could barely pick up the phone. Ugh, who am I? A grandmother that's who. On probation that's who. I disgust me. least I'll get to see Peach over Thanksgiving and for an entire month in January when he is in L.A. for work. That'll be the longest he's been in town since college!!!
It's gonna be B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Non-stop eating and passing out by 8 ;)
Betsey Johnson dress
The Accessories
Marc by Marc Jacobs tote and sandals
Louis Vuitton earrings
Faux Prada sunnies
The Grade
A for Authentic Awesomeness
The Commentary
You may recall that though Peaches has good taste in girlfriends, he has not-so-good taste in women's fashion. During my NYC trip earlier this summer, Jean Bean and I decided he is in fact Team Betsey Johnson. Cool in the 90s but a bit - ahem - down market today. We've been teasing him mercilessly about Betsey ever since because it is fun and we are evil.
Thought it would be HIGHlarious to wave the white flag today and wear this Betsey Johnson dress. Haven't worn it in at least 8 years!! I bought it when I was 15!!!!! Can you believe it? Am officially aged because I am rocking something I wore the first time it was in vogue. I am vintage ;)

ADORE that the print is right on trend for Fall 2008 even though I bought it in 1993!! Digging most of the winter florals on shopbop right now.

Meets Lauren Conrad.
Perfect with my newly cut and dyed hair. 15 year old Diabolina never looked this fly.
p.s. Peaches forgot that it's still summer in L.A. in October and didn't pack a swimsuit. So I brought him this delish Penguin number from Mr. Diabolina's closet (made him buy it a few years ago.) I find it hilarious that each of them fretted that the other one was much skinnier and in fact they ended up being the same size. Funny BOYZ!
The only guy that stole Peach's thunder at the pool was this guy. Let me tell you a hot pink puppy t-shirt is the COOLEST THING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN when you've had a few cocktails in the sun. He got our A+!
Such an adorable dress!
I can't decide whether I like your old Betsey Johnson dress or the puppy shirt more. It's close.
I can't believe you can still fit a dress you bought 15 years ago!
I hate you. I love you.
it's like a tent, LRB! I could be preggers and smuggling a small dog underneath it and it would still fit :) If it helps I am thirty-forty pounds heavier than when i bought the dress.
How do you decide what clothes to get rid of and when?
yeah, i kinda hate that you can still wear something you bought and wore in HS :P
cute dress. but, that puppy shirt KILLS IT!
1. Love your new hair cut & style - very sleek and sophisticated.
2. Hate that you can still fit into clothes from 15 years ago.
3. Dying at the site of that puppy shirt. That is an image I will go back to when I am feeling blue.
Glad you had a fab time with Peaches. You guys always bring out the best (read: devil) in each other ;).
Hey Miz Vintage!
Don't beat yourself up on the dress. The fact that you can fit into something you wore 15 years ago is quite the accomplishment!
I hope you asked that fine gentleman where you purchase such a shirt. That guy must get more a$$ than a toliet seat when he rocks that shirt.
Living the high life, huh Diabs? You and Mr. D look fabulous and relaxed. I love your floral frock. I have really been craving an off-the-shoulder look like that!
Thanks for your recent comments:) I had not seen Ms. Paltrow wearing orange but I will look for her now! And your Halloween ideas sound fantastic - I think you should do the Lagerfeld thing!
I see Peach's nipples. Hee hee.
love the new look! how long have i been away! :/
I love the dress, and I love that you can wear something you bought at 15--without irony--and carry it off so perfectly. When I first read this post, I only glanced through it. I saw the dress, saw you, loved it all, but didn't have time to read. Now I see you rocked your own vintage, and I adore. The only thing I still have from my teenage years is my letterman, and I'd NEVER wear that!
Speaking of what I'd never wear from my childhood years: Mervyn's is dead. Long live Mervyn's.
Parents, BEWARE! Dress your kid in crappy clothes, and you are certain to produce a clotheshorse of epic proportions.
Love the dress and no matter what you say, it's fab to still be able to wear something that you bought when you were a teenager!
BTW - I nominated you for a blogging award on my blog.
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