The SceneGot home and then realized I had to go back into work. At 10 pm. Got to bed at 1 am. Have to be up at 5:30 am. Ughs!

On a brighter note,
A Girl's Guide to Shoes introduced me to a new lover today.
This Jeffrey Campbell bootie looks so much like my current Chloe obessession (see right rail) that I think he's The One. He's my Fall 2008 bootie. I think we will be very happy together.
The Outfit
Tocca skirt
Banana Republic tank
Behnaz Sarafpour for Target jacket
The Accessories
Chanel earrings and bag
Fashion District bracelet
Manolo Blahnik heels
Dior sunglasses
Burberry inspired headband
The Grade
The Commentary

Built the outfit around this pencil skirt today. Loves it. Makes me feel like a candy cane. Bought it resale a million years ago. Has always fit quite snugly so I don't wear it much. Today I wore it super high waisted. Probably shouldn't have bought it due to the fit but bought it frankly for the label.

Once upon a time I loved
Tocca. Very feminine aesthetic with gorgeous details (the pockets KILL me.) The line was very popular in the 90s. Not sure how it faded away. But I still associate the brand with Helena Christensen who'd wear their dresses with that perfect casual elegance of a European woman.

Today I felt very retro. A little naughty secretary too. A pencil skirt always does that for me. Reminds me a bit of this delicious DVF look for fall. I really want to belt over jackets and sweaters but I think the degree of difficulty is too high for this belting grasshopper.

Paired the feminine shape of the skirt with this more masculine jacket. It's Behnaz Sarafpour's nod to tuxedo jackets. $30. Love the sheen of the banded collar and the bracelet length sleeves.

I've always dreamed of owning a tuxedo. Preferably by YSL. In white
and black. I mean a woman needs options ;)

But am realizing as I'm wait around to be a billionaire that just a tuxedo jacket might do. Pairs so nicely with a wispy gliterry evening dress.

And a t-shirt and tights.

And latex leggings and bangs.

Felt the outfit needed something. More of a pop. So added the plaid headband. Got it in Chicago last December when I was visiting Peaches. At a funny little accessories store that sold a bunch of knockoffs.

Please don't tell Blair it's not real Burberry.

Don't think I could
bear her withering stare.
I loved when Blair questioned the little girl about last season's Tory Burch Revas, and the little girl said she got them on sale and ran away terrified.
What a cute skirt!
Weeee! Thanks for the mention. I just couldn't resist when I saw those booties. So similar to the Chloes and such an amazing price. Happy to be the enabler this time.
glad you met the "one" :-). reading this post eases my guilt about buying the YSL jacket. it's very "le smoking", no?
loving all the details and accessories for fall!
now we officially have two of the same items (last night i wore the behnaz for target jacket you're wearing here! and check out my blog for a pic of my friend claire wearing a tuxedo-style jacket!) have a great weekend...
i had a kindergarten student (5 y.o.) wearing what i thought was a burberry-inspired headband. i whipped it off her head to confirm only to find it was the real thing! i chummied up to her mother who ended up buying me a matching real-deal burberry headband as an end-of-the-year present. i still have my burberry-inspired sunglass case courtesy of diabolina...
how'd those jackets work out?
i wish headbands looked as chic and sophisticated on me as they do on you and miss waldorf. i swear, my hair is too flat to do them justice. booo!
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