Alarm goes off at 5:30. Get up at 5:45. Out the door by 6. Done with tradeshow set up for work by 7:30.
Since I'm in downtown, treat myself to breakfast at Phillippe's. I mean you can't be near the city's best salsa and not stop by to say hello. With your tongue.
Then decide to wait out the rush hour traffic at USC. On a mission to pick up a simple white polo that Mr. Diabolina wants. He NEVER wants ANY article of clothing. So when he expresses interest in fashion, I seize the opportunity.
Know he will probably wrinkle his nose at my fashion forward picks. Sigh.
But when I see this rare sale sign, I decide a $13 tee won't hurt anybody.
Head into work. Leave the office at 7 p.m. marveling that I am still awake. Decide to stop by a cool store I'd noticed the other day. Just expected to peep in the window since the store was closed. But the owner sees me and beckons me in. I take a look around and fall in love.
She and I chat about her business model and Web site and my blog and online professional expertise. And before I know it she's asking me if I have a card. She's interested in hiring a blogger for her site!!
Don't want to get into details yet. Nothing is certain but this could be a great thing. LOVE that it happened so naturally and unexpectedly. Most great things in life do.
Think he should try to turn that frown upside down and remember Marc's words of wisdom:
Forever 21 wrap dress
Claude Harvey trench coat
The Accessories
Chanel bag and shoes
Louis Vuitton earrings
Me&Ro necklace
The Hair
The Grade
The Commentary
Operating on just four hours of sleep this morning. Wanted to keep things simple. But look pulled together for my morning duties.

Decided to do a comfortable flattering F21 dress in a Chanel color pallette. Chanel-ed it up with the shoes and the bag. Easy. Done.

Turning to Chanel for inspiration is a godsend on days when you don't want to think too hard about what you are wearing.

Just do well tailored pieces in black/white or black/beige and you are set to conquer the world and feel beautiful doing it.

Added the trench coat because it was still dark when I left the house.

And because a good trench makes everything you wear a bit more Euro fabulous.

Plus a trench is a great transitional weather piece. Not too heavy. Offers the perfect bit of coverage for day or night as the summer begins to fade away.
ugh to the trojan beaver debacle. beavers, really???
I kinda dig the lion's mane. :)
My husband spends SO much time yelling at the tv.
sorry about the game, mami. mr. d looks so handsome in his USC polo though.
EEEK! What an awesome potential opportunity! Love when everything aligns into amazingness. Fingers crossed for you!
i was at a rehearsal dinner for my bestie when we got the news about the trojan's loss. we all did a big dance and cheered with lots of wine. :D
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