Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Scene

The Outfit
Forever 21 dress

The Accessories
Fashion District necklace
Forever 21 sunglasses
Gucci bag and flats

The Grade


The Commentary
More of the black experiment. Chic but boring, me thinks. That's why added the Gucci touches. Nothing adds Eurotrash flash like interlocking G's ;)

I heart these flats. Comfy and very Jackie O. However, the signature red and green bow makes them a little harder to to pair than you'd think.

Added the necklace to tie the whole thing together. Easy. Done.

The Random Tangent
There's only one thing I love more than Gucci - David Lynch + Gucci. Last year David Lynch directed a commercial for Gucci. And it is my idea of HEAVEN. The retro feel of the fashion and the set, the music, the creepy editing, the languidly awkward models, the descent into madness. All signature Lynch. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

For those of you who don't know, David Lynch is the mad mad mad genius behind cinematic feats like The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart and Mulholland Drive. He also created Twin Peaks. I was addicted to Twin Peaks at the age of 13. No, seriously, A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D.

It was like nothing I'd ever experienced on television. Violent and stylized and just plain BIZARRE. I love things that are non-linear, that don't make sense. Life doesn't make sense so why should we expect art to?

Loved the sweater sets and the donuts and the parade of quirky characters and that amazingly haunting music. Was fascinated by the idea of a small idyllic town with a dark dark underbelly.

The whole story unfolded in a way that made me feel like I was buried deep in someone's unconscious. Like I was watching someone's lucid dream. Ugh I could go on and on...

Now that I think about it David Lynch (with his exquisite pompadour) is a huge influence on my serious writing. His art is all about duality. Light and dark. Evil and good. The battles waged within.

Interesting all the things rattling around in one's head influencing what you wear and how you create and who you believe in, no?


WendyB said...

I LOVED Twin Peaks. Especially Audrey.

weezermonkey said...

Do you ever listen to indie 103.1? David Lynch does the weather over the phone every morning. It is kitschy hilarity every single day.

..... said...

great outfit !! somethin very sex and the city no !!?

tam pham said...

cute outfit! love the pop of the red. my neimans last call lady called to invite me to a gucci event. can't decide if i should go. afraid that i will be caught up in a shopping frenzy.

Times of Glory said...

The outfit is elegant, casual and chic! I love your colour combination - very individual! The accessories give a vintage touch - super cute xxxxxxxxx

amber said...

i'm loving all this black! :)

Kate said...

ummm...happy birthday. :)

TINA said...

Gorgeous flats! I love the outfit, very sophisticated and chic.

weezermonkey said...

Happy birthday! I hope you've been having a wonderful day!

Juana said...

my mom has that same necklace (hers is coral) from the 60s/70s. she'd be beyond words knowing that it's actually in-style now.

folks, you don't understand. this upcoming birthday blog is going to be THE ONE. the diabolinas went all out for karaoke-fest. another thing...and this you will see: weezermonkey is absolutely THE SHIT! unreal. glad to have met her.

Christina said...

Loving the dress and the flats!


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