Wake up to reminders of a party I didn't get to fully enjoy. Wah!
On the upside at least the fridge is full. It's typically barren. There's usually only a few beers in there for Mr. D and a few Diet Cokes for me. We are such the urbanite couple cliche.
First we fuel up at a Westwood institution with this chandelier that he hearts. Very Domino magazine. I heart Domino.
During the meal, Mr. D fields calls from lawyers expressing gratitude for last night. Sweet. I hope I get some flowers out of the ordeal ;)
After eats, we shop. Well, more like window shop. Ugh. We hit Home Depot Expo and Pottery Barn and Z Gallerie AND Crate and Barrel. But nothing is up to snuff. Mr. Diabolina is quite finicky when it comes to the house. And, well, everything.

Not ONE thing looked remotely hot or luxe. It was all super bedazzled and cheese and poor quality. Didn't even look at the prices. What for?
Wonder how long daddy will keep hemorrhaging money for his lil princess. And The Hills girls stop coming to her parties. Ugh. I hate feeling jealousy.
We have party left overs for dinner and then we payperview Lars and the Real Girl. Sweet and quirky. Now I finally get the Ryan Gosling thing. Sweet and quirky.
The Outfit
Target dress
The Accessories
Forever 21 lucite bangles and necklace
Fashion district rosette sandals
Forever 21 Damier tote
Chanel sunglasses
Faux Chanel earrings
The Grade
The Commentary
Decided to dig this dress out after I read Kate of All Trades' recent post about incorrectly sized clothing ending up on the sale rack. Truly words of wisdom to live by. She learned them from her little sister and I learned them from this dress. Bought it at Target in January for about $12. Bought a size XS and it's still too big. INCONCEIVABLE!
For the record, I'm not delusional to think I'm a small much less an XS. I took a medium into the dressing room at first. Too too big. Grabbed the small. Same thing. But hesitated before getting the XS. Who did I think I was?
But apparently some Target designer was smokin crack and deemed my size 8 body an XS when they mass produced this little number. Judging from the racks and racks of them I saw I guess most women couldn't see past the sizing. They didn't have my patience, they didn't dare to embrace their inner skinny minny.

He was loving this yellow and gray combo and girly detailing and a slightly amorphous shape.

The print also reminded me of the first Philip Lim dress that caught my eye. This little tiered polka dot shift. Classic, lovely, chic.
On a whim decided to add the Marni inspired necklace. I am seeing that statement necklaces are still big this fall. Thank god cuz I have enough to last me two lifetimes.
Was a bit concerned about pairing the cheapy necklace with the cheapy dress. So I showed it to Mr. D before we left and asked him if it was too much high fashion on a dime (Us Weekly taught me the term Recessionista this month - do you love it?) He said no, that it worked.
Mr. Diabolina looked proud as a peacock. As if he'd picked out the necklace for me to wear himself.
AS IF ;)
that Kira tween (teen?) has said Paris Hilton is her idol. 'nuf said.
p.s. think you should totally try the leggings, but i remember seeing them on 3rd St., and you're right, they are NOT meant for the light of day...like, at all...
I agree with G about Kira. It really is enough said lol.
how i love that we're always on the same wavelength!! i actually have the Lim polka dot shift...try looking for it at Nordies...I got it there a few weeks ago for 40% off! kisses!
i was actually pretty shocked at how cute some of the jewelry is in forever 21. much better than i had originally anticipated.
cute look m'dear.
I heart the chandelier and I heart Forever 21 accessories!
I love you so much it's disgusting. I've instituted a new policy whereby I don't comment on people's websites if they don't return my actual phone calls itrw. NO MORE COMMENTS FOR YOU, RECESSIONISTA. :) Your writing style on this last post is really top-notch. You should write a book.
Yellow and gray is a nice combo.
hmm...havent been to any kira stores, but maybe i'll check it out...it doesnt seem like anything will be purchase-worthy, though.
i love the print on the dress! actually, i didnt really think the necklace looked cheap at all.
very nice look. :)
Ooh...so glad my post inspired another wearing of this dress. I like it! Feel you and Mr D on the patio furniture. We finally settled on ours and it took awhile to get there. Good luck!
Yellow and grey is my favorite color combination right now! The outfit is hot...and that necklace is fantastic!
I just blogged about bold jewelry...and yours would fit right in with the others!
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