Diabolina Digs or Diabolina Don't????
Try as I might for the last 4 months, I cannot get these "latex leggings" out of my mind.
It started when I saw this Who What Wear Daily post in February. And most recently, the flame was reignited when I read this "She's Got Legs" post by Look Rich Bitch.
Try as I might for the last 4 months, I cannot get these "latex leggings" out of my mind.
It started when I saw this Who What Wear Daily post in February. And most recently, the flame was reignited when I read this "She's Got Legs" post by Look Rich Bitch.

The Kova &T Onx leggings are out. Too pricey at $140 at Singer22.com. I am leaning toward the American Apparel leggings in black eel for $40. Even tried them on back in March and my momma approved.
So what's holding me back? Fear. Fear I will look more douchebag dolphin trainer than hot mama rock star. Wah. Fear I'm too old and too thick and the young kids now-a-days will laugh.
Take Jean Bean. Ahead of the curve per usual, she tried them on when I visited her in NYC last October. Now she is about an inch taller and at least 15 lbs thinner than me and works in fashion and even SHE didn't think she could pull them off. What hope is there for me??
I think they MIGHT work under the cover of night with LUXE LOOKING heels like my Stella McCartney grey stilletos or my Prada ombre loves. The ritz will offset the plastic-y look and make it more leather-esque.
And - duh - I'd have to wear a tunic top or short dress to obscure the rump. And dark eye makeup. And a hot clutch. Kinda like this night out back in January for Lauragami's B-day.
I'd also have to rock loads of attitude. We're talking maximum Diabolina fierceness. Ugh. Not sure these old bones are up for the challenge.
Tell me your opinion - is this the very definition of a Diabolina don't???
Tam Digs! I have a penchant for leather or leather-looing clothing. Bite the bullet, my dear.
Fear that you're too old? I'm pretty sure you're younger than I am, and I wore them.
Dearest Diabolina,
I'm in need of serious fashion help...next month I'll be attending a little soiree hosted by one of the partner's at my husband's firm. It's at the partner's home and will likely be a "casual" (read: especially difficult to dress for) BBQ. Given it will be in July and hotter than a teapot outside, what do you suggest one should wear? I should add I have a strong dislike for my arms, so strapless or sleeveless are out--boo. Since you are a stylish Susie, could you please give some suggestions in one of your fabulous Dear Diabolina features?
Most gratefully,
Aspiring B-level Fashionista
P.S. Love, love, love your blog! Keep on writing as you inspire us all to put thought into our dress and have fun with fashion--inexpensive and chic or designer. :)
I don't know if it's a Diabolina Don't, but it's definitely a WeezerMonkey Don't. My big fat drumsticks would look ridic.
Generally, I think if you have doubts, the answer is "no," but I'm conservative and sometimes frumpy.
Missy, if anyone can pull it, it's you! Flipper and I are waiting!
flipper and i are waiting made me laugh my ass off.
yay, jen! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the kind words. Will definitely work your question into an upcoming post.
i'm leaning toward getting them...maybe next week...we'll see when I have an evening event pop up...
Sounds like you've got the right idea...if you're going to do them, you've got to commit to the full rock star look or it'll just be too trendy in the "look at me, I bought something I saw in a magazine because Lauren Conrad says it's cool" way. But I think you can definitely do rock star!
I say try them and if they look horrid burn them.
i was gonna say i think you could pull them off with fancy heels and a long tunic or dress... and then i kept reading and saw that it's exactly what you were thinking. i say go for it!
"douchebag dolphin trainer" is the funniest thing i've read in ages
I'm having the same problem with a pair of skinny jeans I bought and rocked at your 30th birthday. I haven't found an occassion to wear them since. I'm afraid the young kids will laugh since I don't have Zac Effron hair to go with my mod jeans.
Get them and I'll go glam rock in my skinny jeans. To hell with insecurity. Douchebag dolphins be damned. We'll go to Edison and drink like AbFab, Pats.
Muah, SC
Leather yes. Latex NO! Just think of the bodily fluids pouring out at the end of the night.
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