Monday, March 3, 2008

The Scene
Monday. Work. Sigh.

The Outfit
Armani Exchange dress
Forever 21 denim jacket

The Accessories
Narcisco Rodriquez red sandals
Marc Jacobs Venetia red bag
Faux Louis Vuitton clear bracelet

The Grade


The Commentary
Sable Crow and I go way back. Almost as far as he and Armani do.

Sable Crow was Mr. Diabolina's freshman year roommate. Upon discovering that he loved Tori Amos, literature (he was a fellow English major) and fashion (he plastered his side of the dorm room in Armani models), I was sold. I'm convinced he and I were meant to be just as much as Mr. Diabolina and I were ;)

I got this kaleidoscope of a dress to wear to Sable Crow's 30th birthday. As I can't afford Armani Prive, I decided to make my first ever Armani Exchange purchase to honor his three decades of sass.

Saw this dress in a shop window all summer and just adored the optical illusion of it. See how it looks like a bunch of ties sewn together? Just adore that! But wasn't feeling the $120+ pricetag.

So when I randomly happened upon it online for nearly 60 percent off a few months later, I snapped it right up.

Now this is an atypical occurence for me. Although I am the web geek of all time, I hardly ever shop online. For one, I have a hard body to fit (this dress should really have been a size smaller.)

Number two, I just love the experience of shopping. The sensuality of it. Trying something on, and feeling it, smelling it, practically tasting it.

And lastly I hate paying for shipping. Also hate paying for valet parking. Also drinks on an airplane. Look, a fashionista's gotta penny pinch wherever she can!!

Already had the simple little denim jacket in my arsenal. Was pleasantly surprised when the dress and the jacket worked so well together. Little jackets like this one are an easy way to tone down a sexy/summer dress and render it work appropriate. Remember my whole rant about turning fun pieces into work looks? This is a great example.

The sassy shoes I got resale at Buffalo Exchange. They are a bit treacherous because they are the very definition of spindly. But they are surprisingly comfortable. Much more so than some of my punishing Marcs.

Plus they are just so red hot - literally and figuratively :)

I remember once upon a time I was falling for Mr. Narcisco Rodriguez. He was the newest industry darling after designing Carolyn Bessette's wedding dress. And I was uber proud of him as a fellow Latinista.

As a Chanel girl, I hearted his typically white and black palette. So classic and clean. But then he started teetering on boring so my attention was snatched elsewhere...

Yet there is no denying the sexy cutout action make his signature designs white hot. Some of his dresses are like business in the front, party in the back. Mullet style :)

His clothes work so well with a woman's curves. He is clearly a designer that knows and honors the female form. He's a brown after all!

Ironically today's dress has a little Narcisco action going on in the back.

Will be super hot once I slim down. Tho definitely starting to see the tone returning. Am kinda happy/kinda depressed about this pic. Was distinctly dough-ier in the back during the holidays so I guess hurray for bootcamp! But still a ways to go.

p.s. Decided to use this Hello Kitty case as a camera case today. Could you just die of cuteness overload????


MissJordyPants said...

"Shopping is my cardio" - Carrie Bradshaw

Shop more, bootcamp less!

amber said...

that dress is gorgeous! the colors are beautiful and it looks great on you. :)

tim gunn has a great section in his book about moving "fun" clothes into daytime/work hours and not just leaving them for special ocassions. i think you'd totally appreciate it!

weezermonkey said...

Love the tie dress.
Next grandma spree is Saturday.

that girl said...

love love love the dress. uhm can we please go shoe shopping once i get a job, my lesbian flip flop look is getting old. kisses. oh and are we on for antm tomorrow? let a girl know.

Anonymous said...

hottie mchotterson!

did you see this??

Da Fashionista said...

me thinks i gotta do both. i falling apart with every day :)

you are reminding me that i may want to organize a big trip to see The Sex in the City movie when it comes out. Will get started on that...try to rent out a theatre and shit...

kiss you, thank you. I definitely want to check out his book. and rachel zoe's too. KFR recommended that a few weeks ago. Gotta have a bookstore browsing afternoon soon.

wOOt! wOOt! i beseach you to keep in mind I am a size 8 in designer stuff and 9 in shoes. also tell her my mom is becoming a citizen too. maybe that will clinch it. danke!

that girl,
i emailed you. ME NEEDS TO SEE YOU!

events by ricci,
you are too kind, mami!

i didn't see it. will definitely scour the internet for it tho now...did you see some myspace interview with him? i could just eat his face.

R said...

That is a cute dress. And I see less dough on you than I cart around. Be happy with what you've got. It works. :)


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