Flower Mart this morning. Always a gorgeous way to start the weekend.

Kept the pretty train going with a 3 mile run, a hair cut and delicious victory over Notre Dame.

After the game, we headed over to Sable Crow's for a dinner so enormous it was "silly" according to Mr. D.

While we ate, Sable Crow showed us pictures from his trip back to his ancestral castle in Scotland. He regaled us with fabulous tales of falconry, functional fashion and, um, other kinds of f ing :)
Read more at his blog here. Yes, Sable Crow still blogs. No, it's not as often as any of us would like.

The Outfit
Pink USC tee
AG jeans
The Accessories
Louis Vuitton earrings
Me&Ro necklace
USC Trojans bag
Loefller Randall for Target flats
The Grade
The Scene
Low key running around kinda day. Sorry not too much fashion to discuss. Except maybe my side braid inspired by Alex Wang.

And the adorable back of my new Victoria Secret tee. Do you love love love it? It's like I wrote it.

Felt like a hot if aged USC thang all day in my cardinal and gold. How is it that the girls at games just get younger and prettier and I just get older and wiser?

Interestingly, the Ronald McDonald wear was the perfect choice for the Flower Mart too. Think Mother Nature might be a Trojan.

I was rocking the side braid too today.. .. inspired by you!
I am wearing the same shirt...except in blue and gold. I root for UCLA =P
Love the blog!
That picture of Sable Crow with the falcon is amazing!
Love the flower mart, of couse. BUT I really love that FALCON! Man, that is so cool.
Those photos remind me of what USC irritates me so much. Haha. It is not like I'm a huge Bruins fan - don't root for anybody honestly - but USC fans just really get my goat. Like date rapers and strippers.
PS I think I'm applying to a PhD/MA program at USC. Hilarious!
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