My 32 year old ass hung out with mommy in L.A. today

And by hung out I mean ate and shopped and ate some more

Got home in time to watch the VMAs. Loved Madonna's tribute to Michael Jackson. If not so much the tribute to plastic surgery on her face.
As far as fashion went: lots of twinsies in strapless sparkle tonight.

Pink and Shakira showed up in the same Balmain. This is the sound of two stylists getting fired.
Surprise, surprise Leighton was my best micro mini of the evening. Nice balance of edgy and classic. And LOVE the Guisseppe Zanotti shooties.
Appreciate the risk that JLo took with this Vuitton look. But velvet armslings=fugs. Sorry, Marc. A+ for the Louboutin lace booties straight of the SATC 2 set.
Didn't hate Beyonce's look as much as I think I should have.
MTV darlings Alexa and Whitney and Olvia all bored me to tears
Think what you will of her fashion sense but several editors are noticing a "Gaga Effect" on the Spring Runways.
She's got the shock factor down pat.
But the night belonged to Taylor
F to that ridiculous Kanye. The only person grosser than him is Amber Rose. I hate that I even know who that tacky tranny is.

The Outfit
Forever 21 tank
H&M shorts
Image wrap sweater
The Accessories
Me&Ro necklaces
Fashion District bangles
Gucci bag and platforms
The Grade
The Commentary
Still on a shorts kick. Thanks to all the inspiration coming from the streets of NYC

Made my outfit a little more Cali with the lighter color palette.

LOL!! I feel the same exact way about that Amber Rose biatch. Saw a picture of her smoking outside of Barneys NY in some trashy get up..ughhh who does that??
and loooooove that you used a pic of Lauren Santo Domingo - that outfit was FLAWLESS. She's married to the son of the richest family in Colombia ya knowwww.. :)
I give props to Pink because actually bought and paid for that dress. I miss the days when rich women did that.
That plate of food is bigger than your mother.
"Gaga could be the next heir apparent to Madonna." I couldn't have said it better! I'm Gaga for Gaga.
Also, isn't it cute that Pink and Shakira took photos together! I know if you were styling, you would have never let that happen.
What the bump is Amber Rose wearing?! Ew.
I would have really liked Leighton's look, too, had someone done her makeup in a style other than heroin chic. :/
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