Mommy Sunday.
Don't ask me how she keeps getting cuter every week. I JUST DON'T KNOW.

Today she was wearing this fantastic top that I picked out for her last week at Forever 21. Isn't it soooo DVF? She was self conscious about the sheer factor but I told her that is the style nowadays and she is beautiful and well, I am the fashion boss so what I say goes.

Introduced her and her adorable face to Tavern today. Wanted to sample the brunch after Monday's delish dinner.

My mom had exceptional lemon ricotta pancakes

And I got the brisket hash with eggs. Do you love how I complain about my weight but don't curb the consumption? Story of my life.

After a day of errands, I got home just in time for the Emmy's red carpet. Sadly it was ho hum central.

Pretty but not spectacular.

You know it's bad when maternity wear is among the best of the night.

Lots of white...on white girls.

I tend to prefer white evening gowns on darker haired and skinned girls. Especially when cut-outs are involved.

Kim Kardashian tweeted that her white dress ripped on the way to the show. But even post fashion emergency it wasn't my favorite on her.

Sadly, Leighton also had a bit of an all white wardrobe malfunction. Not loving the shoulder cream puffs.

But I guess they are better than Blake's plastic boobies. God lord she is a nip slip waiting to happen at every major event. She is a perfect example of how a beautiful dress can look cheap instead of chic based on your shape.

Debra looked anything but cheap. Though there was no wow factor. Rachel Zoe tweeted that none of her clients did the Emmy's this year which means she didn't dress Debra. Wonder what the story is there.

My two favorites of the night were purple urples. Simply adore these two looks head to toe. Classic and clean yet very of the moment, very fashionable. Tough balance to strike for evening.

My worst dressed of the night goes to Padma. Love her. Hate her giving birth to a wreath of roses.

And god god I love Obamarama too but why?

The Outfit
Banana Republic sweater
Forever 21 top
Marc by Marc Jacobs skirt
The Accessories
Fashion District sandals and bangles
Chanel bag
Ray bans
Me&Ro necklaces
Louis Vuitton earrings
The Grade
The Commentary
Still feels like the middle of summer here in L.A.

Hence the short denim

And strappy sandals

Easy California cool look for a mommy and me lunch at Tavern like Reese and Ava had yesterday. JINX.

The centerpiece of the outfit: the polka dot top

Bought it because it reminded me of Phillip Lim Resort

And to-die-for Chloe Resort accessories

Looooved how Leighton and Alexa rocked a similar print with transitional chic outfits at NY Fashion Week

And that polka dots emerged as one of the key Spring 2010 trends at NYFW

At - surprise - Phillip Lim

Derek Lam

Jason Wu

Chris Benz


And even grunge princess Erin Wasson showed the girly print in her debut line. Interesting!

But the ultimate stamp of cool girl approval: Chloe Sevigny wore polka dots to the Emmy's.

i MUST HAVE that purple polka dot Derek Lam beauty!!
I agree with you. everybody looked bleh. I liked Kimmy K's dress though. It looked good on he :)
Wow I love Debra's dress, although it isn't AMAZING it's really beautiful.
I'm going to be contrarian and say I liked the shoulder puffs.
I adore polka dots and stripes. Best trend to embrace.
Those pancakes look so amazing. Good thing it's Sunday--I should be able to find something similar today! And completely agree about Padma...a sad wtf moment for an otherwise chic lady. Also, just wanted to let you know I've given you a little bloggy award:
Best wishes to you and that "meeting"
*Loving your Mommy's top. TDF!
*Just picked up a polka dot blouse at Jcrew that is similar to your F21 one. I have a skirt in mind to make to go with it that I think you will def. give your Diabolina stamp of approval. :)
*One of the sewing blogs I follow had an interesting post about the Obama dress:
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