Have been dying to try Tavern for months but had not found the perfect occasion. Until tonight.

Not only is Little Miss MBA back from Spain but she's about to start her final year at FUCLA.

Love that per usual Little Miss MBA read my mind and suggested Tavern. And ADORE that her friend had an Anna Wintour sighting the last time she dined at Tavern.

Makes sense since the decor at Tavern is tres Vogue. Not tavern-like at all. Reminds me of the restaurant at the top of Bergdorf's in NYC. Perfect for a girly gab fest.

And pig fest. Started with the heirloom tomatoes with eggplant, pesto and fried mozzarella. Heaven.

I had duck confit with black rice, pistachios and local plums. Delish. But really duck is quite possibly the one food impossible to foul up. It's like pure fat. The perfect compliment to my ah-mazing salt 'n vinegar martini (ketel one vodka, champagne vinegar, salt & pepper.)

But Little Miss MBA's pork chop with cornbread, chorizo and spiced maple syrup was the evening's winner. Love when the tiniest person I know eats her own weight in pork.

She claims to have eaten pork non-stop while she was in Spain. She even sampled - wait for it! - pork flavored Ruffles potato chips!!!! Newest addition to my to-do list: a trip to Spain.

The Outfit
Diane Von Furstenberg dress
The Accessories
Louis Vuitton earrings
Me&Ro necklace
Chanel bag and shoes
Bergdorf headband
The Grade
The Commentary
For a week now, I've been peeping the spring edginess at NY Fashion Week - lots of black and leather and tattos and studs and pantlessness

But I've come to terms that I have never and will never be punk. I'm a Blair not a Jenny.

What can I say, I like to wear pants. I'm just boring like that.

My favorite show for Spring was Peter Som. So colorful and ladylike and well, pretty. I think too many designers discount how important it is to make women feel beautiful. Fashion forward is one thing. Fugly/vulgar/depressing are something else altogether.

One designer that lives and breathes making women feel pretty is DVF.

Today's dress was part of my Haute Seconds spree a few weeks ago. Bargained this Spring 2007 beauty down to $65.

Loved the infinitely flattering color block effect of this dress. The black makes my not so tiny waist appear tiny. Plus it's just the right side of sexy work appropriate.

Most of all I loved the print. I adore most DVF prints

Here are some of the favorites that I'm always on the look out for at resale stores

Love how DVF puts her own spin on 2010 trends - in this case animal print and sequins.

Like great art, I think her pieces are timeless.

But the pom pom hats...well...they are just delicious fun ;)

I love that dress!
Cute dress!
The martini sounds amazing!
Hands down my favorite dress you own! You look beautiful!
Ditto all the previous comments. Love that dress and want my own!
I love your dress but I think you could do the hard edge thing if you wanted. I bit you could put together a great interpretation. Embrace the Glunge
Wearing pants is not something that should ever go in and out of style. I'm loving some of those Peter Som skirts from the show.
i have a dvf dress in that same exact print and it is by far my fave! love to see the same print in a different style!
I've always loved that DVF. Yay for you! I am not punk either, and don't want to be. But I can't be pleasing the patriarchy ALL the time. That's why I love me some ugly-chic shoes.
The white dress in the second of the Som photos is amazing!
We also have jamón ibérico flavored chips in Chile, they're kind of weird but don't really taste like ham/serrano ham/pork to me.
That DVF dress is fabulousness!
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