Arrive in NYC at 5:30 am and head over The Gem Hotel in Chelsea. The room is the size of a postage stamp but it is clean and comfortable and just $200-$250 a night.

Sleep for a few hours then cross the street to Murray's for what Peaches promises will be one of the best bagels in the city.

And - per usual - that man-pig is right. Damn him.

With a doughy belly full of doughy goodness, I hop on the subway to Soho. Top of my to-do list today: Topshop. When shopping on vacation I prefer to hit places we don't have in L.A. And since we have most of the best stores and boutiques in the world, I don't beeline for many shops on vacation.

Topshop is another matter all together. I've loved that store since I was in my early twenties and went to London for the first time. Am soooo jealous New Yorkers have it and Angelenos don't. Hope that changes ala H&M soon.
Haven't stepped in Topshop in a decade. Was worried my memory of it would be better than the reality. In my memory it lives as a kind of Forever 21 but better quality, edgier, more Euro. And today it certainly delivered.

Wanted to take pictures of everything but alas there was staff EVERYWHERE telling shoppers, "No pictures" with mostly British accents. Lame. But let me tell you it looked like a tranny, Liberace and Kate Moss all threw up. It was chock full of sequins and studs and blazers. LOOOOOVE.

The prices were considerably higher than I remember. Most of the things I liked were in the $150 range. Not super expensive but not Forever 21 prices either.

So after what felt like days roaming around the three floors, I finally settled on this jacket and a black long vest with a peek-a-boo drapey back. Both much pricier looking than what I spent.

Then I wandered down the street to check out Uniqlo and Zara (I am convinced that's a store that has better merchandise in New York than in L.A.) After loads of walking, ended up in Prada which is like a museum of beauty.

And a museum of creepy. Most of the mannequins were lying on their backs. INCREDIBLY disconcerting.

As were the shoes I am currently coveting.

They are like those dinosaurs in Jurrasic Park that fan their necks when they attack. Love predatory heels.

After a morning of shopping, this predator headed to Balthazar.

Got a tiny corner table and enjoyed a glass of champagne while peeping the beautiful people.

Then I enjoyed the most exquisite Nicoise salad of my LIFE.

Headed uptown to the Whitney. To unleash my inner vagina at the Georgia O'Keefe exhibit.

Gorgeous. If a bit redundant: I get it, vaginas are like flowers.

Un then I walked down Madison Avenue, peeping pretty baubles in windows.

The crow mottif at Tom Ford was MADE for Sable Crow.

Then I crossed over and walked through Central Park

Central Park is one of my favorite places on earth. It is my kind of nature: the kind that is never too far from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Stopped by the Plaza

Peeped the windows at Bergdorf's. Like Topshop, they were filled with glitter and glam.

Then it was FINALLY time to meet up with my favorite people on the NY planet.

After THREE Happy Hour rounds at Peaches' house, he suggested we go out for BBQ - New York Style. Ugh. That man-pig is brilliant. And determined to fatten me up. Hmmmmm maybe he plans to eat me.

At Hill Country BBQ (which was named 'Best BBQ in New York' by NY Mag and Time Out NY, and 'Top 10 BBQ in the U.S.' by the WS Journal) you get a ticket and then go around to all these stations for meat and sides. You pay by the pound.

We loaded up on everything and anything. Even ended up with a whole loaf of bread!!!!

Texas Cowboy was in heaven.

I was in shock.

As we were leaving, Peaches spotted a sign. With his moniker on it. It was like a sign from the pig gods that we were meant to eat there.

At that point I was so drunk on martinis, brisket and jet lag, I just saw it as an excuse to flirt with hot guys in front of said sign. Talk about yummy end to a perfect New York day.

The Outfit
Forever 21 top and leggings
Bebe blazer
The Accessories
H&M knit cap
Forever 21 necklace
Fashion District bangles
Thomas Wylde scarf
Chanel bag
BCBG boots
The Grade
The Commentary
Really wanted to get my edgy on during this trip.

Feel like I'm always bundled in blah basics when I visit New York. Wanted to bring basic seperates that at least I could jazz up with edgy accessories

Hence the hat, necklace, scarf and boots.

Very L.A. girl in The City :)

Love how the light-colored boots are just the right pop of color in a see of black in New York.

And how comfortable the leggings were for a marathon day of walking.

Thankfully the weather was so spectacular today that my blazer was just heavy enough to take me from day to night.

Saw lots of blazer/legging/boot combinations out in the city today. My personal preference though are blazers that cover the tush.

And tops that cover your hey-nano-nano.

Jean Bean also firmly believes leggings are not pants so you must consider tops that cover your Georgia O'Keefe parts accordingly.

Loved her outfit today. Expecially the new-ish Chanel shoes. Clearly worn in my honor.

Sadly my feet were more Wicked Witch than Coco today. I don't own many socks so it's ironic that they were nearly identical to Peaches' socks.

Love how connected we all are. 15 years later and even a country apart.

your trip was off to a great start! loved the topshop finds and looking forward to more eyecandy.
MSSFD is back! Loves it.
Aww, this makes me really miss NYC. I haven't been in over a year. :( It looks like your vacay is off to a fabulous start.
Makes me want to visit NYC, haven't been there yet, but its on top of my to do list! I like that sparkly vest with that outfit.
Great pictures and commentary :)))
Once again. Love, love, love your posts. So much detail and thought behind them.
Oh, and I lurve my LNA leggings, thanks again.
I have never been to NY in the fall.. I'm sure it was amazing...looks like you had a FAB time...we need to do drinks soon...
Oh I'm paying by the pound, alright.
I'm finally getting caught up on my google reader and just got to this. Sounds like a wonderful day!=, can't wait to read more of your NYC adventure.
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