Got my nails did this morning for a very special date in the afternoon. A wardrobe consultation with a new client named Kelley.

Kelley has yet to define her style partly because she's determined to shed a few pounds. Having a baby fundamentally changed her shape. Consequently, she doesn't really shop any more. She doesn't want to invest in this new body. I get it. But schlepping around in preganacy clothes when your baby is almost two? Not OK for pretty kitties who read this blog.
Realized this consultation was going to be a little different from my other ones. This one would be about encouraging Kelley to work with her transitioning figure. Helping her come out of hiding in a way. Embrace what was, is and will always be beautiful. Negotiate her new identity as a mother. Feel feminine and confident again.
Tall order, but I knew she was ready. I knew she was tired of blending into the background and not feeling like her SELF. I also knew she didn't have to lose one pound to start feeling more empowered about how she presents herself to the world. Not on my watch.

Was pleased to find an assortment of fun and affordable shoes in Kelley's closet. She said she bought these two with me in mind - What Would Diabolina Do style. Love.

Kelley also had a handful of dresses and tops that worked beautifully for her shape and lifestyle. When she put them on, her body language literally transformed. Must get her into more of these styles.

However most of the rest of her closet was filled with casual and work separates that were just plain jane meh. I think it will be best for her to invest in tops and dresses and accessories that will carry her through her weight loss.

Devoured a late lunch with my momma in the afternoon. Tried Comme Ca for the first time. Finally!

We arrived at such an odd hour that the restaurant was completely empty. Except for one other couple.

Spent most of our delish meal peeping their blissful beautifulness over my mom's shoulder.

The food at Comme Ca was, as expected, exquisite. Highly recommend the Salmon Tartare and the pineapple tart with black pepper ice cream. Can't wait to bring Mr. D.

After our meal, my mom ran to the mall before it closed to do a quick peep for Kelley - found pretty accessories, interesting tops and cute little jackets at Forever.

Then we hit Macy's. Found some amazing and affordable tanks. All the detailing and feminity and versatility are exactly what Kelley needs more of in her wardrobe.

If she insists on sweaters, I found her a few better fresher ones that will really breathe some pop to her wardrobe.

When I noticed my mom was feeling neglected I pulled this expensive looking top at Forever 21 for her.

Very Marc.

And figured I could try on a little something for me too

Very similar to this Thread Social bouchy dress except Forever's is under $25. Alas they didn't have it in my size.

The Forever dress print was similar to this Tibi skirt print, no? LOVE. On sale but still too pricey.

This swingy zippery Forever skirt was the right price but the shape only works on the hipless. Wah!

These bubble skirts on the other hand could work. Just wish they were a smidge longer for those of us who are longer in the tooth.

But my fave piece of the day was this blue leopard dress. Can you say Lanvin lawsuit?

Fun fun weekend filled with fun fun fashion. Do I really have to go back to The Office?

The Outfit
Thrifted vest
Forever 21 top
People Like Frank shorts
The Accessories
Marc by MJ bangle
Fashion District ring and bangle
Me&Ro necklace
Chanel bag
Prada shoes
The Grade
The Commentary

Phllip's favorite girl Rachel Bilson was the inspiration behing today's look.

Wanted to create a shorts look that still felt professional and pulled together for meeting with a client.

Decided a vest would be a cool way to create a kind of suit and that a floral top would make things summery instead of severe.

Really digging the potential of vests right now to transform simple separates.

The add great texture and structure to an outfit. Especially something flowy and flowery.

Bought today's tank in Hawaii

Reminded me of a Stella McCartney print

Remember the jumpsuit version?

Think the dress version was infinitely more wearable.

The floral print also felt a bit Chloe today. LOVE these dresses.

Almost bought one of these matching Chloe bags on several occasions.

Recently I found a Thakoon version of the print on Shopbop

And there was even a little number at Macy's today. It was priced at twice what I paid at Forever 21. Seriously, your wallet is begging me to be your stylist. Email me.
People Like Frank!!!!!!
Gotta agree with you on breaking up sweater sets. Eek!
OMG, I DIE at Taye and Idina, too! Love, love, LOVE them!!!
(And I love the stuff you found at Forever! I feel like I can never find the good stuff there. :-\)
Love, love, luuurv that you are styling a new mommy! As a fellow new mommy (and Official MSSFD Lurker), I would have to say that it is the worst feeling having a body in 'transition'. You want to get your fashion groove back, but alas, fats and milky boobs just make us want to throw in the towel!
... That is, until this post! Yippee! Inspiration! Thanks Diabolina!
Ooh...loved the vest/shorts look with the colorful top. I have a piece from Anthro that would be perfect for this styling. Thanks for the inspiration (again!).
Can't wait to see the end result with Kelley!
I was gonna give you the heads up on the sweater sets. But I figure I let a professional call her out on the addiction.
I always give her a hard time about it. :)
Sara - Har har har. I only have 5!!! When I die, my ghost is going to stop by your house and switch all your clothes to sweater sets in the middle of the night. ALL one color! ;)
I am in the same boat as Kelley. I just had a baby and am not feeling stylish AT ALL. A good day is when I am not wearing yoga pants. Can you come to MN and help ME??? You could even shop at the Mall of America! I don't have sweater sets, but I do have a cardigan in every color of the rainbow....:)
I'm excited to see the changes in Kelley's wardrobe. :)
And I didn't catch anything you wrote after Idina and Taye. OMG!! I LOVE THEM!! So jealous!
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