Dinner at Salute again. No statuesque sylphs this time. Instead, tonight there were mustachioed madmen, KBro and his bestie Mr. Davis. Over a bottle of champagne, KBro regailed us with madcap tales of Bollywood dancing in castles during his recent trip to Germany. We also got the skinny on the fashion design program he recently started. SO.EXCITED.FOR.HIM! Am pretty sure he and I will soon rule the L.A. fashion scene. Remember you knew us when ;)

After dinner, the three of us checked out KBro's new-ish studio and talked some more. Until 1 am. Like hot chicks at a slumber party. We discussed fate and meaning and relationships and art and death and Twitter and the competing site KBro wants to start called Shitter for narcisstic poopers. Gawd, I love that guy. Beautiful night with two beautiful souls. They just get it and I just love that.

The Outfit
BCBG leather jacket
Forever 21 leggings
Closet tunic
The Accessories
Me&Ro necklaces and earrings
Chanel purse
Prada heels
The Grade
The Commentary

Built the outfit around the new tunic. $16 at Crossroads. Adoring!

The pallette and shape reminds me of Matthew Williamson for H&M.

The painterly print is one part DVF

One part Alexander McQueen

Loving this brush-stroke print at Anthropologie

And this BCBG one.

Adore this dress Reese recently rocked.

Makes me want to go back to Forever and try to make this one work.

The easy silhouette of my tunic makes me think of Tucker too.

Paired with skinnies and hot shoes those tops are perfection for easing into summer.

This jacket is utter and total perfection - the ruffled neckline, the contrasting textures, the cropped length.

KBro let his rocket scientist out tonight when he called my leggings "tights" tonight. That silly rabbit.

He really needs to learn the subtle but real difference between the two if he wants to go from rocket designer to fashion designer.

Ugh. But I shouldn't talk. I need to learn the difference between awkwardly petting a wall

And fiercely rocking a cage. F to me. I am a fashion blogger disgrace.

p.s. Speaking of cages, guess who just brought home my YSL cage shoes?

Hint: She's in HIGH SCHOOL in the middle of TEXAS!
HOW is she in high school and SO fabulous?? I will never be as cool as you fashion bloggers. xoxo
You look amazing as always and I also get a bit shocked over Ms Sea of Shoes amazing shoe collection.
I was thinking about you and your leggings this weekend. Why? I finally caved and bought a pair. Jim thinks they "look funny." ;)
ugh! i was too poor for fancy duds until after college. darn that high schooler!
was laughing because HB calls my leggings tights too!
rihanna's ruffle leatha jacket is TO DIE FOR.
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