Shopping with my pretty mommy by day - she snapped up an adorable white eyelet top perfect for summer.

And a work event for my smarty Mr. Diabolina by night - his firm picked up a pro bono award from California Lawyers for the Arts.

But I was the real winner of the day since I scored ANOTHER fancy meal tonight at Ford's Filling Station.

Even got to peep the owner, Harrison Ford's son, as we nom-nom-nomed our gorgeous food.

Another outstanding weekend with my love. When exactly can we retire and make every day a weekend?

The Outfit
BCBG dress
The Accessories
Me&Ro necklace
Claire's headband
Marc by MJ clutch
Jessica Simpson heels
The Grade
The Commentary

Decided to go pretty and ruffly today to distract from my not-so-pretty, completely rumpled hair.

Figured a low neckline is always a good way to distract from an out-of-control fro. Wah!

Tried to channel Lanvin today in my $100 BCBG.

Currently coveting all things fluttery

And romantic

Especially in white.

And one shouldered.

Have my recessionista eye on these BCBG beauties.

Both well over $200. F.

The minute they drop under $100 - which they will - I'll swoop in.

Ditto for these shoes. That silly BCBG. Recessionistas do not and will not pay full price.

Don't know why they even bother with the exorbitant mark up. A smart shopper always gets her way.
Eating up your wild curls!
ditto who anon said!!!!!!!!!
As I scrolled to the image of you and Mr.D. my first thought was... EKK! I'm loving the big poufy hair! Wear it bigger and sexier next time though :-)
I LOVE the hair...embrace your curls!!!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfit! Sweet and feminine and daring, all at the same time. Love love the two shades of blue and the neutral and the shoes...
I think I may just have to go search for a ruffly top like that...
Congrats to Mr. D!
You look fab & I loooove that blue clutch!
The asymmetric dresses are fab too.
Your hair looks fab! When mine decides to go curly it doesn't look as fabuloso as yours!!!
Ok, I've been meaning to ask this FOREVER: I NEVER change purses because I can never remember to switch everything I need from one purse to the other. How do you manage to do that day in and day out? Help a poor, disorganized sister out!
The food looks delicious, but doesn't that mean you were in Culver City?
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