Last day of the tradeshow. Last day of this hot mess uniform. Added my little star headband and gold shoes in a sad attempt at personal sass. Just made me feel personally sad. Boo.
AMAZING BLOGGER STORY: This afternoon, a gorgeous, tiny twentysomething approached my company's booth. She did a double take when she saw me. I self-consciously tugged at my button down, thinking she was repulsed by my outfit. Instead, she excitedly asked me if I have a fashion blog!!!!!
I was so taken aback by the recognition in her eyes that I didn't know what to say. NEVER EVER expected my two worlds to collide. Not across the country, not at this conference.
No one at work knows about the blog, I whispered to her, nervously. She understood immediately, whispered back that she's been reading MSSFD for months and said she felt like she was talking to a celebrity. Hilarious and lovely and INSANE, no????

You see, last night, Peach made some calls and scored us three tickets for the Broadway sensation In the Heights. For, um, FREE!!! Gotta love a Peach working those showbiz connections.

Tonight, he waltzed us to the front of the LOOONG line in front of the theater, signaled for his friend inside, who then proceeded to personally escort us straight to our seats. Third row center!!! My mom was stunned. Said Peaches' new nickname should be "coyote." HAHAHAH!

The show was the perfect choice for my mommy and me. The funny/moving/inspiring story of Latin immigrants and the NYC neighborhood where all their American dreams intersect.

Peach made a great observation during tonight's intermission: too often musicals don't trust themselves enough to be emotionally raw in the first act. So instead they manipulate the audience into a kind of manufactured emotion.
But this show feels different. Maybe it's because a teenager wrote it. Maybe it's because it's a vantage point you don't often see on Broadway. But there's an authenticity and truthfulness that's very striking and affecting. All within the first half hour.

After the show, the three of us enjoyed the warm night (high 40s!!!) and strolled around in Times Square.

Peach took us up to the top of the new red stairs (aka tourist trap) that had been too icy to climb the last time Mr. Diabolina and I visited.

Loved seeing all the hustle and bustle through my mom's eyes. Can't believe it's taken 31 years to experience NYC together.

Wonderful night with two of the dearest people in my life. Will remember it for always.

The Outfit
Forever 21 dress and turtleneck and coat
The Accessories
Chanel bag
Faashion District scarf
Claire's tights
Tory Burch flats
Henri Bendel headband
The Grade
The Commentary

Decided to leave the black pea coat at the hotel tonight

In favor of a shot of color. Courtesy of my mom's hot pink Forever 21 coat.

Not particularly warm but it worked incredibly well with my layers of black and DELICIOUS new leopard print scarf.

Please note, pink and black will be huge next fall.

Marc Jacobs says so

Dolce and Gabbana

Ports 1961

And Iceberg too.

One NYC socialite can't get enough of it

My advice: pick your pinks wisely. Head to toe fur and neon aren't for everyone.

Accessories - shoes, scarves, jewelry - are a simple, subtle way to ease into the trend.

Por ejemplo, how much do you love these $5 tights????

Bought them a few months ago and have been waiting for just the right debut.

They are my first attempt at textured tights since I was in high school.

My mom went crazy over them. Especially the cheapo price.

Much more wallet friendly option than these black and pink accessories.

Ugh. I need, I want, I must have.
First! Love the pic of you and Peach.
Mr. D
I love the pink and black combo - you look so cute!
Sounds like an amazing trip to NYC...wishing for a week away from the cubicles and living vicariously through you.
It's official when you're recognized in public by a stranger.
You've made it.
OMG - Those pink and black heels in the second to last photo are to die for - Where can I get them????
They are soooo hot, right???
So, I was at an event here at home and this man walks up to me and says "Are you on Twitter? I think I've seen you there." And I said excitedly "No, but I have a blog." Enter the BLANK STARE...
That's it! I have to take a picture of a pink jacket right now and post it.
Sounds like you had a great day but where was your visit with WendyB, hmmm???
Looove textured tights. Makes the whole outfit, imo.
Can't stop staring at your mommy's sweater. I want.
1. LOVE your outfit and how the base of it was F21 ...so fab.
2. LOVE that you were recognized!!!! That is such a cute story!!!
That's great that you were recognized. I was hoping I'd bump into you during your NYC trip. You've been to many of my favorite haunts.
You have no idea how happy it makes me that pink and black are gonna be hot in the fall. :D
Love that someone recognized you at the show. !!!
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