Specialist Numbero Quatro today. To make things nice and neat, he votes for surgery. So, to recap, we have two opinions to operate and two opinions to monitor the tumor. Fanfuckingtastic!
Realized today that we've been shopping since we found out about the tumor. Not our typical, frivolously fun shopping. We've been shopping for something far more serious and precious. We've been shopping for my mom's quality of life.
For three weeks, we've been shopping for the right doctor, the right hospitals, the right tests, the right recommendations, the right answers. And like with all shopping, you can do all your research, weigh your costs, determine your non-negotiables, but in the end, you've got to just go with your gut.
Ugh. This is just the most important shopping decision my gut has ever have to make.
My mom got that rosette hoodie I've been pining for (ugh she always swipes my stuff!) and so I got a little acorn top. Both 60 percent off. Both the perfect prescription.
Good lord all his new shoes are delicious.
My mom loved his latest take on his signature mouse flat.
Tough day. Glad there were pretty pumps to make it bearable.
The Outfit
Marc Jacobs tank
J Brand skinny jeans
The Accessories
Stella McCartney bag
Forever 21 bangle
Fashion District bangles
Me&Ro necklace
Louis Vuitton earrings
The Grade
The Commentary
Just the thought of another doctor exhausted me this morning. Didn't want to dress up. Didn't feel the need.
Reached for this carnival of a top because of my current fetish for all things berry. The comfy jeans and the shoes came next.
Then added the Louis Vuitton earrings that go with EVERYTHING!! Realized this weekend they even go with all my cardinal and gold stuff for football season. Talk about score. Thanks Juana! You are - and have always been - my favorite Bruin.
Then added three bangles to pick up the reds and purples in this top.
My mom noticed and loved my attention to detail. Learned it from her after all ;)

1) 90210 defined my teenage years
2) loved kelly saying she hasn't been called easy...lately. loved her high waisted skirt and her hair and her as a mother
3) shannen doherty is insane and I could watch crazy for days
4) the blonde curly bitch is a whore for CHANEL and so is this (faux) blond curly
5) Blogging+a baby silver= Heaven. Can't wait to catch up with that trainwreck of a mommy Taylor next week
6) Andrea's old-looking, half brown, broadcast journalist daughter
7) 8 letters: JOE E. TATA!!!!!
Read WeeMo's play by play of the two hour premiere. It's pretty much what was running through my head as I watched. She is good.
i loved the new 90210 too EXCEPT for the fact that all the girls had toothpick arms. boo.
I was never allowed to watch 90210, totally sheltered as a child. So, I have no need to push through the ick to see its value! Glad you're enjoying it.
And you're right about going with your gut. Fingers crossed that one choice will feel "right" very very soon.
i'm sorry that the decision is still not clear. sending good vibes and prayers that you're able to make the right choice in the midst of all the confusion.
loving those tan and red open toe pumps! so pretty, so girlie.
i didn't LOVE the new 90210, but i'll likely watch next week. what can i say, i'm a sucker for trashy tv! ;)
I've been kicking myself for months because I didn't pick up a pair of the mouse flats when they were on sale! ARGH.
Go with your gut, dahling. Smoochies!
If a Doctor #5 voted either way, would that vote sway you? If so, go. If not, go with what you're already feeling.
I have always wanted the mouse shoes, but Mr. Monkey and Mama Monkey say they are ridiculous. Makes me sad.
have an appointment with a 5 and a 6. 5 is THE neurosurgeon in l.a. so i am kinda putting alot of eggs in his basket.
and with all due respect to the mister and mama, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE RIDICULOUS!!! How is a smiling monkey emblazoned on everything serious and appropriate ;)
My advice, as always, is if they make you happy, get the shoes.
Fashion Girl
glad you guys are able to find a bit of fun despite a major decision hanging over your head. in the end you are right, it is the gut feeling. wish you and yours well.
Ugh, I am feeling for you and mamacita. Unfortch, there are no "right" answers; just what feels right for your family. All you can do is make your best informed decision with the information that is presented to you. I know that helps nothing, but know that I am thinking about you two. XOXO
Totally OT -- Silly girl! You need to try on the H&M lace leggings and take a picture so we can all opine on whether you should buy them or not!
90210 define my teenage yrs as well...thats the reason why i'm willing to give the new one a chance...and i totally agree with you on andrea's daughter she looked way too old
A sixth? But, but, then you could be deadlocked again!
I need those mouse shoes, damn it. A couple pairs even. I've admired different ones for three seasons now? I'm thisclose to eBaying.
ugh. GL with numbers 5 and 6.
all that marc jacobs stuff is too yummy, damnit.
I wish I could say something that would make you feel better about the decision that lies ahead, but, alas, I can't. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with both you and your beautiful mammi. I'm so glad you have each other to lean on through this awful time.
On a different note, I, too, am in love with all things berry. Gawd, I love the clothes this season!
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