Friday, May 9, 2008

BIG kisses for all the positive thoughts today. The first day at the new job went fantabulous. Will blog it soon.

In the meantime, I was hoping you could channel all that beautiful, positive, healing energy for our dear friend, M&M.

She was in a plane crash today in Namibia. I know it sounds surreal, right? She and her husband fell in love with Africa last year and decided to go back for another adventure.

This morning their tiny puddlejumper plane crashed into a tree at take off. Everyone survived but M&M was the most seriously injured. She has shattered a disc in her back and punctured her spinal cord.

She can feel but can't move her legs. She's in horrible pain and they need to operate and stabilize her before they send her on the transatlantic flight home.

Who does this happen to??!! Not a beautiful smart vibrant woman. Not someone who is my friend. Not someone who was president of her sorority and rivals Martha Stewart in her party planning skills.

Not someone who is as close to her mom as I am. Not someone who is always supposed to be there, who I'm supposed to watch have babies. Not someone I've taken for granted, not someone I am supposed to grow old with...

Thankful she is alive but CANNOT fathom her suffering right now. Please Please Please pray for her and her family. Especially her mother. This is a parent's worst nightmare.


Michelle said...

I can't even begin to imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend & her family and you.

MissMissy said...

I will have you, your friend and her family in my thoughts - especially mama. Channeling all good thoughts to M&M.

tam pham said...

what a horrible thing to have happened to a loved one!!! she and her fam will be in my prayers.

WendyB said...

Good lord! That's terrible. It's good that she has sensation. Hopefully they'll get her out of there fast so she gets good medical care. Best wishes to her and her family.

weezermonkey said...

All the best....

Anonymous said...

wishing you good thoughts and lot of prayers

Lynn Tran said...

Definitely sending M&M my prayers and good thoughts. She is a strong woman and will prevail no matter what lies ahead.

amber said...

so so sad! she's in my thoughts and prayers D.

Cee said...

sending over lots of prayers and thoughts

R said...

You're right, it is a mother's worst nightmare. I hope she has a full recovery and all the best to her and her family during this trying time.


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