"Business" lunch with Mr. Prettier than Me. Knowing he is a Chinese Chicken Salad connoisseur, I decide to introduce him to my long time favorite.

As we tried to pinpoint what exactly it is that makes the salad so transcendent (is it the perfectly shredded chicken? perhaps the scallions
I crush on Mr. Prettier than Me. Hard. He's so sweet and intelligent and witty and piggy. Reminds me
When we are done with lunch, he apologizes and says we are heading straight to Sprinkles on the way home. HE'S NEVER BEEN and feels the time has come. Ugh. Could this culinary experience/new friend date BE any more perfect?
So in the name of celebrating his momentous deflowering, I inhale two cupcakes. TWO! I justify this grossness with a) Mr. Prettier than Me eats two too and b) I only eat the cupcake tops. Kinda like that muffin top episode of Seinfeld except these are slathered in icing. Sigh.
Late night, Mr. Diabolina and I meet up with Fancypants and Mr. Roboto in Hollywood. We go see a buddy of theirs perform in a band.
Said friend is the lead singer and is such a good performer that it makes me sad he has to be a lawyer. Sad he can't make the stage his office. Boo to thwarted creativity.
These three girls were wearing dresses that they DID NOT look comfortable in all night. Ugh. You couldn't pay me enough to be awkward and young like that again. It's terrible that we so often piss away our youth and beauty fretting about unimportant things.
Night ended with a kid in a (woman's) white sequin jacket and synthesizer taking the stage. He unexpectedly rocked the house with a little old school Bell Biv Devoe. So fun. Guess he performed at Cochella. Wallpaper. Hysterical moves and lyrics.
One of the best random Wednesdays in recent memory.
Marimekko for H&M top
Theory white pants
The Accessories
Louis Vuitton earrings
Forever 21 necklace
YSL tote bag
London Sole animal print flats
The Grade
The Commentary
Pretty sure this is my longest streak of sporting white pants. Ever. Fie on these bites.
Matched today's pair of Theory slacks with the other Marimekko top I scored at H&M. Heart the over the top print in this BRIGHT color combo. Match my Louis Vuitton earrings to a T. Plus the top complements the tan nicely and makes me feel like I'm on holiday in Capri :)
Took a chance with the evening look. Not sure it completely worked out but at least I felt good in it. This tunic is quite the conundrum. Also got it at Crossroads. $14, no tag. It's got so much going on that it makes it a bit tough to style.
It's sweet but tough. Flirty but naughty. Heart the contrasts. The frilly ruffles next to the punky stud detail. Think it went quite well with the long leggings and Prada ombre shoes and vintage clutch and Chanel earrings.
I didn't look like anyone else out at the club - that's for sure. There was a time (my early 20s) when that would have made me feel pretty uncomfortable. But tonight, it just made me feel like me.
Gotta love your 30s :)
p.p.s. Will do more one item worn multiple ways soon soon soon. You voted for it, I'll deliver.