The Scene
Um, so the very next month after I get my first pair of Louboutins, Jean Bean asks me to interview Mr. Louboutin for NM Daily.
If that's not a sign from the (fashion) gods that my red soles are on the right path, I don't know what is ;)
In 25 years, I have never seen Neiman Marcus transform their venerable BH store for a designer like they did for Louboutin's 20th anniversary. The shoe department rolled out the red carpet, gilded furniture and graffiti covered walls (a collaboration with a local artist that was part of the promotion campaign Neiman's created for the event.)
There was even a blank wall where shoppers could scrawl their own love notes to Louboutin. Ladies who lunch tagging a wall was probably my favorite sight of the day.
As you can imagine, I was super excited to meet the man, the myth. He was absolutely lovely and gracious. Not really the over-the-top character I expected based on interviews I've read.
Sadly, I only got exactly two minutes with him---in the elevator as we walked out to greet this sea of adoring, well-heeled customers.
It was the most efficient interview of my life---had to be.
And, frankly, it was fitting: I got about as much time with him as all the women who had lined up for hours to get his autograph.
The meet-and-greet went twice as long as planned: that's how many fans showed up, that's how gracious Mr. Louboutin was.
Cali loves Christian and Christian loves Cali.
The Shoes
Here's the 20th anniversary capsule collection.
Shoes as weapons
Boots with pockets = winners!
These sluts were my totally impractical faves. Can you imagine the life a woman who buys these leads. GLAMOUR!
These were my favorite practical studs for the life I actually lead.
This is the only way stores should display Louboutins: on mirrors so you can see those soles. YUM.
This is the only thing more delicious than Louboutin on a silver tray.

Yes, I snarfed a popover at Mariposa when I was done with my "work." Let's get real about why I freelance for Neiman's :)
The Outfit
DVF vintage dress
The Accessories
Christian Louboutin peep toes
Chanel bag and earrings
LA fashion district necklace and ring
Forever 21 bracelets
The Grade
The Commentary
For this look, obviously I built the outfit around the shoes. Pulled a lot of options that worked with my Loubies. Mostly DVF. Makes sense since Diane and Christian are both very much about unbridled femininity and well, sex. Wanted to keep it professional though, or as Jean Bean put it: "Journalism Barbie."
Opted for the red DVF since red is the Louboutin signature color. Felt obese but what can a popover lover do. Tried to distract from the hips with the Schiap lipstick and the big gold necklace.
Also picked the dress because the print felt kinda graffiti. Added the ring for a little matchy-matchy, contrasty pop.
Wish I had had these Louboutins to pair with the look. How perfect would they have been. The wearer was over 60. My shero.
The whole event was a dream for fashion fetishists like me. This was one of my have head-to-toe looks.
And I stopped counting Celine bags after the 10th one I saw. I still want one. Am I stupid?
But the best shoe awards goes to Mr. Louboutin's staff. As we chatted in the hours before the appearance, my eyes would inevitably wander down to their feets.
And every pair I peeped was better than the next. This is one of Msr. Louboutin's PR directors. What a job.
I almost had a heart attack watching these two men talk to each other.
I wonder what their discount is and how long I have to be friends with them to ask them to help a blogger out.
I want that Celine bag too! My girlfriend has TWO. b*tch.
EPIC post!
Not since Jennifer Lopez has a Latina in Louboutins been so entertaining!
And kudos, your NM article has gone viral!
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