The Scene
Hard to believe it's been four years since Sable Crow first invited me to Trevor Live. Even harder to believe it's already been a year since the first time I attended as a member of the board of directors.
But what's REALLY crazy is that this year is the first time I invited my mother to Trevor Live. Many of my closest friends on the board bring their moms every year. My own mom is my best friend, goes with me everywhere, is adored by all my friends and extremely proud of my work with the Trevor Project. So why the hesitation?
Trevor Live is always an extremely emotional night. It's a night filled with stories of teenagers and parents and suicide. And even though the event is centered around LGBTQ youth, the night in many ways has become intertwined with the story of me, my mother and my stepfather.
It is the night, every year, where I step back in time and relive the horror of my stepfather's depression and suicide when I was sixteen. It is the night where I realize just how far I've come since the worst tragedy of my childhood. It is the night that reminds me that often our darkest moments can transform into our greatest gifts.
And so I invited my mother to join me and Mr. Diabolina this year – even though we all knew how hard it would be – because, well, part of helping prevent suicide is acknowledging that it happens. We have to bring it out of the shadows and into the light. So there she sat BEAUTIFUL in her BCBG dress and waterproof mascara, next to "the best man she has ever known" and one of her dearest friends who has been like family to us since my dad died. Adore these three faces.
Invited Little Miss MBA who has been one of the brightest lights in my life since we met as TAs in grad school. Owed her at least one glam night for taking me to countless fabulous fashion events over the last decade as her plus one. Also invited another loverly girlfriend from college who I've recently reconnected with. Last year, she had a friend who committed suicide so I thought the night, though rough, might bring her some healing.
Was THRILLED Mr. NBC was able to fly out from NYC. He is one of my favorite people on the planet AND has been a great friend to the Trevor Project over the years. Was overjoyed that he could finally attend his first Trevor Live after years of hearing Sable Crow and me blab on and on about it.
Rounded out table #36 with Silver Haired Fox and Mr. Architect. Two more faces that I've adored for half my life and whose friendship I would be lost without. Was an honor to have them share such an important night.
My favorite performance of the night was a beautiful duet from Wicked: "For Good" by Kristin Chenoweth and Anna Hendrick. I was sooooo moved (picture me crazy lady tearing up like Oprah here.) As I looked around the table, at people who I've loved for 15+ years, the words perfectly conveyed what I felt for them:
So much of me
Is made from what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend

The lyrics also pertain to the one man missing from the table...
who I know was there in spirit, who I know is always with me:
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...
So much of me
Is made from what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend

The lyrics also pertain to the one man missing from the table...
who I know was there in spirit, who I know is always with me:
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...
The Show
Amy Poehler as the night's MC again was a gift from god.
Amy Poehler as the night's MC again was a gift from god.
Sara Bareilles was magic.
Darren Criss was H-O-T. Did an acoustic version of Katy Perry's "Part of Me."
Our Trevor Hero award winner, Katy Perry, was adorable, gracious and humble. She thanked Trevor Project for helping educate her so she can educate others. Love.
But my favorite moment of the night came when I realized the only celeb I wanted to peep, Zachary Quinto, was sitting at the table next to mine. Zachary (Mr. Quinto if you're nasty) is on my favorite show on the planet right now, American Horror Story, as a terrifying serial killer. So when Sable Crow and I went over to introduce ourselves and thank him for attending, I was more than a little afeared.
He quickly put us at ease by making a joke about needing to raise even more money to spruce up the decor at the call centers because - hello! - it's for gays and should look fabulous. He proceeded to ask some incisive questions about fundraising and programming and I quickly realized a) how articulate he is and b) how dedicated he is to the organization.
He doesn't only show up to the events and write checks. He's chosen to understand the work from the inside out, electing to go through the INTENSE 40-hour training to be a volunteer lifeline counselor. He's taken calls from suicidal teens. He is my newest Trevor shero.
As we parted ways, I confessed I was terrified speaking to him for most of our conversation. Those killer eyes twinkled behind the Clark Kent glasses as he told me I should be terrified of the writers who come up with all that cray #AHSFX stuff. He just acts it out. I giggled with horror and ran away.
The Outfit
Fashion District accessories
Stella McCartney clutch
Alexander McQueen shoes
The Grade
The Commentary
Life's been a non-stop, overwhelming whirlwind over the past few months with work and travel and family. Didn't really start thinking about my dress until two weeks before the event. Wasn't loving anything I saw in stores or online. Well nothing that was under $500.
Thought about just wearing something that I already owned but nothing felt quite right. Everything was either too formal or too chesticle bearing. Wanted to keep the look cocktail and board member-appropriate. Cut to a crazed shopping trip THE DAY BEFORE THE EVENT.
Panicked and desperate, I walked into a store I NEVER go in: White House Black Market. Saw SO MANY evening options and all extremely well priced between $100 and $200. God help me I've become a cheap old lady who shops at a subsidiary of Chico's. The apocalypse is clearly near.

Settled on a simple, off-the-shoulder fringe LBD. Have always wanted a flapper look (see! super old lady!) Amped up the glam by getting the makeup done by MAC per usual. Advised my friend Lawyer Legs to do the same. Ugh could the results BEEEE any more delish?
We matched from our Mac faces to our McQueen toes.
Sablecrow more than approved – he coveted.
Nabbed all my rosy "jewels" for under $50 in the fashion district. Will get so much use out of that ring and the lariat with fringe was inspired, no??!
We were really rocking the two most popular looks of the night: pinkie sparkle and little black dress chic.
My favorite LBD of the night was this one with built in bracelets! NEED!
Fave male accessory of the night was the Brad bowtie
Matthew Morrison looked hot like fire in his
But didn't hold a candle to Mr. Architect who rocked his with my favorite: polka dots.
Best end o' the night accessory: the stuffed horses we all got from event sponsor, Wells Fargo.
The event morphed into a freaking adorable Santa Anita at the end.
Hilarious, magical, moving, perfect night!