The winner of my last JewelMint giveaway, The Peeper, sent me this picture today: the debut of her Silver Swan bracelet. She said it got complimented the minute she walked into her office. LOVE!!!!
The lovelies at BeachMint offered me another giveaway just in time to celebrate holiday promotions of JewelMint (and sister site StyleMint!) giftcards. Cute and easy last minute gift idea!
To enter to win a JewelMint piece, just leave a comment below along with your email before midnight on December 25. I'll email you and we can figure out what piece you want and is in stock.
As for the comment, this time I want you to share at least one style-related resolution you're planning for 2012. Mine is to feel more comfortable and less cha-cha wearing red---clothing, accessories and lipstick.

Mr. D hates a red lip so this should be F-U-n!
As for the comment, this time I want you to share at least one style-related resolution you're planning for 2012. Mine is to feel more comfortable and less cha-cha wearing red---clothing, accessories and lipstick.

Mr. D hates a red lip so this should be F-U-n!
Hates red lips!! How can that be?? You look fabulous in that color.
I'm all for this giveaway because I am a BeachMint family member now. They've gotten plenty of my money since the start of JewelMint.
My 2012 fashion resolution is to add more edge to my mainly classic wardrobe. I'm hoping to start with a fabulous shoe.
I want to wear at least one piece of accessory each day. I'm terrible about it!
My resolution is to wear heels for every day and feel comfortable. To me, heels always feel so fancy-dancy, but they really help out on my 5'3" frame!
You look fab in red, especially your jeans. I just started embracing red lips for the holidays and I'm hearting it.
My style resolution is to wear all the shoes in my closet! So many have gone unworn in 2011 that if I cannot make the effort to wear them in 2012 then they need to go. :)
My 2012 resolution is too look more pulled together on a day-to-day basis. I mostly work from home, so my motivation lacks at times!
Resolution is to try to work more color into my wardrobe. I wear so much black/white/grey.
I vow to add more color into my wardrobe. The black and grey sections dominates in my closet and I need to change this.
You look good in red! My resolution is to mix and match more pieces together and learn how to layer!
What a coincidence! I researched the best red lipstick this year and it seems like it's ruby woo by mac (at least that's the result of my red lipstick research anyway!). Anyways, I did that because I want to start wearing red lipstick in 2012! I bought 1 for myself and 3 for my girlfriends as part of their xmas gift. :) Happy Holidays to the Diabolinas!
My style resolution is to make an effort to actually wear all of the clothing, scarves, and accessories I own to create new looks! I tend to favor a handful of things and wear them all the time while neglecting everything else! Thanks for the opportunity :)
I like your resolution, that is fun! Mine would be to look more "effortless" instead of so put together. :)
vandango33 at gmail dot com
My resolution is to incorporate more mature pieces into my outfits because I am growing up and I just got an internship that I hope to turn into a job (fingers crossed!). Thanks for doing this giveaway!
My resolution is to start incorporating more accessories into my daily outfits! I am almost always rushing to get out of the door in the mornings, and I usually forget to put on my accessories. I would love to start using some of my jewelry that I've gotten!
I want to try to wear more colorful clothing!
evil_eva12 at hotmail dot com
Mine is to wear more separates. I'm always in dresses. I want to learn to combines pants with other stuff. This resolution actually comes courtesy of Stylemint -- I've purchased two AMAZEBALLS t-shirts from them...and I only have one pair of pants to wear them with, which is limiting. I want to live in them, so I need more options!
Happy Holidays Diabolina!! Wearing red is hard to get used to... but screams confidence when you just own it! Good luck!
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