Tonight Rachel and Brad met their reality TV matches:

Mr. Architect and Silver Haired Fox as Kate and 8. I DIED! Lit-E-rally!

I'd been trying to guess their costumes for weeks. Was convinced they were going to be Little and Big Edie. But thank goodness they opted against it since two of their guests tonight KILLED it as the Grey Gardens dynamic duo. LOOOOOOOOOOVE!

But the most talked about couple of the night: Daisy Duke's and Danny B. Partly because Daisy looked smokin as a Robert Palmer girl (genius!) but mostly because Danny B. scared the crap out of everyone as a sad clown. Fucko the Clown to be exact.

Reminded me of the clown from Stephen King's It. Daisy Duke's wasn't sure what was scarier: smile or no smile. I vote smile. Nightmare central.

Just when we thought he couldn't get any creepier, he did. He silently dug around in his pockets and started pumping air into a balloon. Mr. Architect's face says it all. AAAAAAAAAAAAACK!

But once we figured out he was making penises we all relaxed. Because every boy loves a clown's penis, right?

The Outfit
James Perse top
Max Mara fur vest
H&M sequin vest
Theory pants
The Accessories
Thrifted hat
Forever 21 jewelry
Tory Burch booties
Chanel bag
The Grade
The Commentary
Some fellow faux Brad and Rachel's sent the real Brad and Rachel their photos via Twitter last night. Amazing.

But I still think Mr. D and I nailed it because (as with any outfit) the devil is in the details.

Like the purrrrfect hat.

And fur vest

Wide leg pants

Big sunnies

Fuckloads of jewelry

Patent leather booties

Chanel bag

And the absolute cherry on top: a Starbucks drink.

Rachel also seems to have just dug around in her closet for her Indian princess costume this year. Sorry, Rach, a bit of snooze.

My best costumes of 2009 hands down go to Regis and Kelly as Rachel and Brad

AND John and Kate

AND Susan Boyle and Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga really was THE celeb costume of 2009.

Here are some of my fave pantless/sexy looks

And genius mommy appropriate costumes

But one new mommy took the cake. Heidi Klum and Seal dressed as black crows this year!!!

Sable Crow wasted no time in emailing me to say he was in love and found his 2010 costume!