Mr. Diabolina's identical cousin Chucky invited us to the John Legend concert tonight at The Greek. Being the old farts we are, Mr. D and I weren't quite, um, sure what kind of music Mr. Legend even plays. But we live by one golden rule.

India Arie opened the show tonight.

Remember the outstanding girl power message of her big first hit?

Heart the authenticity of her music.

And the fact that she ended her set by bringing her equally talented mama onstage. LOVE!

Then John Legend took the stage.

Be. still. my. loins.

Wow, is he a magnetic performer. My favorite slow song: Ordinary People. Best get your groove on jam: Green Light.

And his ode to Micheal almost killed me.

During the entire concert I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that John reminded me of someone...someone it felt inappropriate to be attracted to. Quickly realized who. The dimples, the flirty lashes, the cool moves - they are all so very Mr. Chicken Nugget!!!!

The Outfit
Forever 21 jumpsuit
The Accessories
Louis Vuitton messenger bag
Sam Edelman sandals
Thomas Wylde skull scarf
Assorted Bangles
Forever 21 sunglasses
The Grade
C for Concert
The Commentary

Concerts and sporting events. These two events without fail scramble my fashion mojo and throw me into a sartorial panic. Must be the fact that I am neither musical nor sporty. And the fact that large homogenized crowds of people aren't my cup of tea.

Refused to freak out tonight. Too hot for a fashion emergency. Especially given the fact that I didn't even know the music of the headliner. Decided to just go for comfort. Wear something that would feel and look cool in the heat. No need to try too hard.

Built the outfit around the oldie but goodie scarf. Something about it just screams live music to me.

Opted for the easy breezy jersey jumper tonight.

My ideal jumper would have had a little more structure than today's Forever 21 find.

It would probably have had a full, tailored leg. Instead I got one that's one part Hammer, one part high water.

Most of my ideal jumpsuits also cost hundreds of dollars. Mine cost just $17.

Leaves more money for accessories to change up the look.

Next time I'll try a belt.

And my hair all Charlie's Angels glam.

Would love a neutral jumpsuit too.

Much less severe than black.

Felt a little under-dressed for once but incredibly comfortable.

Sang India's lyrics in my head: My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes...My momma says a lady ain't what she wears but what she knows...I've learned to love myself unconditionally because I am a queen.

Though I must admit I felt quite vindicated when Estelle came onstage - to sing American Boy with John!!!!! - in, you guessed it, a black jumpsuit.
I'm so so jealous!! I love John Legend, India Arie & Estelle! And you really can't beat the Hollywood Bowl.
I shook Legend's hand once and I thought, "I'll never wash this hand again." But then I went to the ladies room and that was all over.
"Be. Still. My. Loins."
Hahahahahahhahahaha, awesome.
And I love your turquoise beauties ;)
I have a very similar bag!
Perfect concert outfit! LOVE John Legend--just about every time I hear "Ordinary People" or watch the video, I get all weepy. Did India Arie perform "Brown Skin?" Ooh wee, talk about music made for luvin!
I was curious to see what you wore, especially in light of our Twitter conversation. I'm glad you enjoyed John Legend's performance. He's very swoon-worthy.
I appreciate knowing what the rest of the crowd was wearing. Now I have some idea on what to wear when I see his show later this month. Although, I will pass on the mini-skirt.
John Legend is hot - both his music and his body. :) I've had quite the dance party in my kitchen to "Green Light" - makes putting together dinner much more fun.
Love that you were vindicated by Estelle! Poo to all the haters!
Ahh Estelle was there to sing American Boy? Lucky!!!!
Love John Legend!!
Resemblance! Amazing!
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