This was the hottest ticket in the world today. Somehow fitting that Michael's memorial was at the Staples Center. Just a few days before his death he had his last rehearsal there.

The footage gives me chills - the words of the song, the neon sign flashing "This is it", that curl of his lips into a smile at the end. Think he really believed this tour was going to be his comeback. And maybe enough time had passed. Maybe the world had changed enough. We'll never know...

I was 100 percent enraptured with the memorial today. The sights, the sounds, the feelings. Peaches and The Peeper too. We were sending messages back and forth about it all day.

I was incredibly moved by the outpouring of love for one man. A legend, yes. An icon, yes. A genius, yes. A king, yes. But in the end just a man, decidedly mortal like the rest of us.

I don't think any one person's death has ever been FELT quite like this before. For the first time, it felt like the whole world was mourning. And that unity does something to the collective consciousness. It's like what happens on the planet during the Olympics. Or what happened in those days following 9/11.
I felt something in the air today. Did you? Something that's been happening for a while. Quietly building. Feels like we're on the brink of a big psychic shift, a fundamental change in global consciousness. And for some reason I think the internet will be at the center of it. Like it was today, linking all of us, into one interconnected human web...

All day as I choked back tears at my desk I wrestled with what it was about this man that meant so much to me. What I came up with is simple: he was not normal. It is ironically why he was reveered AND why he was reviled. There is no denying he was touched by something otherworldly. His musical talent was quite simply magical.

He was a person that created what had never been done before. Who pushed himself and gave of himself. He shared his soul. Through his voice, and his very movement, he brought so many so much happiness. After all, he assured us, You are not alone.
Few are chosen to use their gifts to bring the world together. He was one of those chosen. He had a true calling. And he did his job well. I believe he was the greatest entertainer who ever lived.
It was interesting at The Office to note who the people were dismissing Micheal's death today. In my opinion, none of them are creators or artists or deep thinkers or real healers. I think by dismissing this moment, they were doing a huge disservice to music. They neglected its power. To heal. To create unity. To erase divisions. To inspire love.

Thankfully there were beautiful, talented people who "got" Micheal. People who knew him, who shared how he saw everything with his heart. How his talent was matched only by his sensitivity.

God do I feel for those kids. The scrutiny that awaits them.
But I guess that's the double edged sword

The Outfit
Forever 21 dress and jacket
The Accessories
Urban Outfitters headband
Marc Jacobs Mary Janes
Chanel bag
Fashion District ring
The Grade

The Commentary
I didn't consciously wear black today. It wasn't until KBro texted me and asked if I was wearing black that I realized I was.

If I had gone to the memorial, I would have pulled out all the fashion stops.

Like the stilleto wearing Kardashian sisters or the gloved Jackson brothers.

But I would not have worn a vest like some douches ;)

A black hat would have been fabulous. And a fitting tribute.

I loved that a pregnant Jennifer Hudson wore white. Something so right about that. Think Michael would have found great symmetry in that.

A fierce Michael-inspired Balmain or Phillip Lim jacket would've been fabulous...

The new INCREDIBLE Givenchy couture would've been right up Michael's alley. Talk about global influnce.
If I had gone to the memorial I would have definitely had to wear more comfortable shoes.
Perhaps these pretty kitties.
And aren't flats better for moonwalking?
I'm obsessed with Jennifer Hudson's performance.
I missed the memorial, but we caught recaps that night. So very sad.
And how did I miss that Jennifer Hudson is pregnant?!
Hi Diabolina, I've been reading for a while and I think I've left one or two comments before, but this post just cemented the fact that I love your blog and the way you write. Honestly, I read more for that than even the fashion (although don't get me wrong, I'm a fashion whore too).
Your words about MJ in this post and the last have been so spot on. Thanks for writing about this
Wow. You wrote this so beautifully. You put in words exactly what I feel for my heart for MJ, and exactly what I felt that day watching everything go down.
You looked fab too...but that's a given!
This is a fabulous post. So well written. Kiss.
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