Interaction with other humans now takes place via:
1) Zoom for Mini D's school
2) FaceTime for friends/family or
3) WebEx for work.
Which means I now need to "dress from the tits up," according to my bestie Peaches. And that pretty peach knows dressing from the tits up.
After all, he's an actor who's been perfecting the art of the headshot his entire career 😂
I'm thinking about my own professional brand now more than ever. Trying to be MORE of a rock star at work than usual. Probably triggered by the people acting - and looking - like they are falling apart. And I get it: This shit isn't easy for anyone. But we have to play the long game in an uncertain world.
Fact: Things aren't going back any time soon. PLEASE read this article: "Here's How The Pandemic Finally Ends." Difficult to metabolize but important to be realistic...for our own mental health.
Tough times will continue. Jobs and maybe even whole sectors will continue to evaporate. Feels like differentiating ourselves at work NOW is key (especially us working moms of color over 40). Important to stay sane and feel good too.
So here's my current sartorial strategy to accomplish all three and at the very least, appear like the person with their shit together on Zoom.
Step one: Put on a crown.
My grays + frizz + self-cut bangs = a M-E-S-S. So a headband has been an easy way to look pulled together for calls when my hair is not. Most of the ones I wear on repeat are under $20 from Etsy, H&M, Forever 21, Zara and Amazon. I'm partial to a turban knot look because I like the drama and retro feel.
Truth be told, I'm kinda addicted to buying them at the moment. I just tell myself: "I've found my signature look. Let me have this ONE THING, bitch." I'm the worst.

Recently, in a big meeting, a colleague said to me, "Is that on your head?" Now, this woman and I don't know each other at all so she genuinely might have been wondering...but really?
I laughed breezily in response and replied, "It IS a crown! Of sorts." Then moved the camera in for a closeup and deadpanned: "It's actually just a headband with pearls on it, folks." Everyone laughed, charmed by the comedienne/queen in their midst.
I do have three glorious headbands that FEEL like crowns. By Lele Sadoughi. So LUXE.
Her brand is one of my absolute faves right now. The details! The unapologetic femininity! The quality! My big brain actually feels a big difference! The price point is high but there are often DEEP sales.
(She just launched her signature PEARLS ON MASK EAR HOOKS! I'll do a mask post soon - they are another fact of life/accessory that's not going away any time soon. )
I love when the human behind a brand lives up to the products. AND Lele does. She just exudes this relaxed, timeless elegance. Very European. But also knows what it's like to be a harried working mom.
She is all about mommy and me matching.
Before the apocalypse, that was our jam too. :(
If headbands are not your thing, simply swap out with statement earrings. They are actually what first got me turned on to the brand.
They are lighter than they look but my lobes can now only handle tiny earrings. Not very Zoom-tastic. F to a misspent youth wearing too-heavy earrings.